Rorschach 01

The Watchmen

  • The Comedian is Killed

    The Comedian is Killed
    Edward Blake the Comedian is thrown out his apartment window and is killed
  • Rorschach discovers the Comedian dead

    Rorschach discovers the Comedian dead
    Rorschach belives there is a mask killer hunting down old heroes he goes to warn the other Watchmen about what happened to Blake
  • The Watchmen attend Blakes funeral

    The Watchmen attend Blakes funeral
    The Watchmen attend Blakes funeral Rorschach go's to his grave later in the night
  • Dr. Manhattan leaves Earth

    Dr. Manhattan leaves Earth
    Dr. Manhattan is accused of giving people cancer he gets angry and decides to go to Mars and leave Earth forever
  • Rorschach is arested

    Rorschach is arested
    Rorschach visits Moloch his old enemy but when he arrives Moloch has been shot in the head and Rorscach was framed the police arive at the house and mannage to detain Rorschach
  • The Prison riot

    The Prison riot
    The prisoners riot in an attempt to kill Rorschach at the same time the Nite owl and the Silk Spectre break Rorschach out of prison
  • Rorschach discover's Veidt's plans

    Rorschach discover's Veidt's plans
    Rorschach and the Nite Owl break into Veidt's house and uncover his plot to destroy the world they go to the Artic to Veidt's secret base to stop him
  • Veidt sends the monster into New York

    Veidt sends the monster into New York
    Veidt teleports his monster into New York killing millions of people
  • The heroes agree with Veidt

    The heroes agree with Veidt
    all the heroes relize that Veidts plan will help save the world everyone except for Rorscach who is killed by Dr. Manhattan