The first washing machine is invented.
It is a simple tub and ridged board used to scrub the clothes. -
The first powered washing machine was invented.
James King made the first hand powered washing machine with a drum. -
Clothes wringers were added to washing machines.
The first Household washing machine was invented.
William Blackstone invented the first house hold washing machine. -
The first electric washing machine was made.
The inventor of the electric washing machine was Alva J. Fisher. -
The Thor is invented and it is first electric powered washing machine.
The first electric washing machine made the "Whirlpool Corporations". -
The first laundry mat was opened.
The laundry mat was opened in Texas and Fort Worth. -
The first house hold automatic washer.
The Bendix Corporation releases the first house hold automatic washer. -
The first automatic washing machines appeared
The Frigidaire washer was updated.
Buttons are introduced to the washing machine that include rinse temperature, wash temperature, spin speed, and agitation speed. -
The new design for the washing machine
British inventer, James Dyson came up with two rotationg cylinders as a new design for the washing machine. -
The first modern washing machine was made.
The first drum type washer.
In 2007, Sanyo introduced the first drum tyme washing machine with "air wash". This model reduced the amount of water to 50l and wasmore efficient. -
The first water saving washing machine was made.
Samsung released the QDrive.
Samsung released the QDrive, a front loading washer similar to the Dyson ContraRotator but instead of 2 counterrotating drums, the QDrive has a single drum with a counterrotating impeller mounted on the back of the drum.