Jews deported from Warsaw to Treblinka
In the summer of 1942, around 300,000 Jews were deported from Warsaw to Treblinka. When there were reports of mass murder in the killing centre, the surviving group which contained mostly young people formed an organisation called the Z.O.B to keep the Jews safe from the Nazis. -
the massive deportation of Warsaw ghetto
On July 22, 1942, the Germans started massive deportations which didn't stop until September 12, 1942. In this period of time more than 250,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto are deported or killed. -
JULY 28, 1942
In the middle of the first group of deportations from Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing centre, the Jewish Fighting Organisation Z.O.B. was established on July 22, 1942. -
the fight between Warsaw ghetto and German troops
In January 1943 the Warsaw ghetto fighters fired on German troops because they tried to kidnap another group of ghetto for deportation. -
The Germans restarted deportations from the Warsaw ghetto. This time however, there was resistance from the Z.O.B. (Jewish Fighting Organisation; Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa). -
the fight ended
May 16, 1943, the fight ended. The Germans had slowly taken over the Warsaw's resistance more than 56,000 Jews captured, about 7,000 were shot dead, and the rest of the Jews were deported to concentration camps. -
end of warsaw ghetto
After a month of fighting, the Germans blow up the Great Synagogue in Warsaw, signalling the end of the uprising and the destruction of the ghetto. On April 19, 1943, the Germans under the command of SS General Juergen Stroop, began the final destruction of the ghetto and the deportation of the remaining Jews.