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The Vikings

By Ana Wu
  • 793

    793- When the history start

    793- When the history start
    The Viking Age in Scandinavian history is taken to have been the period from the earliest recorded raids by Norsemen in 793.
  • 801

    1053-1130 First vikings expansion

    1053-1130 First vikings expansion
    Colonisation of Iceland by Norwegian Vikings began in the ninth century. The first source mentioning Iceland and Greenland is a papal letter of 1053. Twenty years later, they appear in the Gesta of Adam of Bremen (German medieval chronicler). It was not until after 1130, when the islands had become Christianized
  • 808

    808-1066 The Obotrites

    808-1066 The Obotrites
    The south coast of the Baltic Sea was ruled by the Obotrites, a federation of Slavic tribes loyal to the Carolingians. The Vikings led by King Gudfred destroyed the Obotrite city of Reric on the southern Baltic coast in 808. This secured Viking supremacy in the Baltic Sea, which continued throughout the Viking Age.
  • 839

    839-901 Mercenaries

    839-901 Mercenaries
    As early as 839, when Swedish emissaries are first known to have visited Byzantium (was the continuation of Roman Empire), Scandinavians served as mercenaries in the service of the Byzantine Empire (The same as Byzantium). European courts simultaneously also recruited Scandinavians to stop the emigration.
  • 882

    882-980 Kiev

    882-980 Kiev
    In 882 they annexed Kiev to serve as the capital of the Kievan Rus (It was a state in Eastern and Norther Europe).
  • 928

    928-933 Rollo

    928-933 Rollo
    Rollo died between 928 and 933 he was a Viking who became the first ruler of Normandy, today a region in northern France.
  • 960

    960-1043 Jomsborg

    960-1043 Jomsborg
    Jomsborg was a semi-legendary Viking stronghold at the southern coast of the Baltic Sea that existed between the 960 and 1043.
  • 982

    982-1003 Erik the Red

    982-1003 Erik the Red
    By the late 10th century, some Vikings (including the famous Erik the Red) moved even further westward, to Greenland, he have become the first Europeans to discover and explore North America.
  • 1001

    1001 and 1103

    1001 and 1103
    Christianity had taken root in Denmark and Norway with the establishment of dioceses in the 11th century, and the new religion was beginning to organise and assert itself more effectively in Sweden. In 1103 the first archbishopric was founded in Scandinavia.
  • 1013

    1013-1035 The throne of England

    1013-1035 The throne of England
    Two Vikings even ascended to the throne of England, with Sweyn Forkbeard (was a king of Denmark) claiming the English throne in 1013 until 1014 and his son Cnut the Great being king of England between 1016 and 1035.
  • 1066

    1066- End of the vikings age

    1066- End of the vikings age
    While the Vikings were active beyond their Scandinavian homelands, Scandinavia was itself experiencing new influences and undergoing a variety of cultural changes.