The Vietnam War Era

  • Money Given To Stop Communism in Vietnam

  • Eisenhower Becomes President

  • France Surrendered Vietnam

  • Vietnam Was split at 17th Parellel

    South Vietnam Leader: Ngo Dinh Dien | North Vietnam Leader: Ho Chi Minh
  • NFL Was Formed

    NFL fighters, the Vietcong began attacking
  • Students For A Democratic Society (SDS) Forms

  • Kenedy Sends Special Forces

  • Dien Was Overthrown

    Dien was the leader of South Vietnam
  • Gulf Of Torkin Passes

  • SDS Goes Against War

    organized teach-ins and had males of age for draft sign a "We Wont Go" petition
  • Free Speech Movement Formed (Part Of SDS)

    The students at the University of California protested the unabillity to organize off campus political activities on school grounds
  • North Vietnam Attacks USS Maddox

  • Operation Rolling Thunder Was Ordered

  • Vietcong attack at Pleiku

  • US Marines Arrive At Da Nang

  • War Was In Stalemate

  • Congress Split Between Hawks and Doves

    Hawks are Conservitive who want to keep the war going | Doves Are Liberal who wanted to end war
  • MLK. Jr Spoke Out On Unfair Draft For Blacks

  • General Westmoreland Returns From Vietnam

  • Tet Offensive Began

    The assault on 36 capitals, and 5 major cities
  • My Lai Massacre

    US troops killed Civilians
  • President Johnson Announced For Peace

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Was Assasinated

  • Robert Kennedy Was Assasinated

  • Selective Service Adopted Lottery

  • Nixon Came Into Office

  • US Attacks North Vietnamese Army And Vietcong Bases

    Nixon Ordered this to break the stalemate
  • Nixon Announced Carrying The War Into Cambodia

  • Four Killed At Kent State

    People protested the war spreading to Cambodi. The Protesters threw rocks and bottles, and one of the National Guard members thought it was a sniper shot and opened fire
  • Pentagon Papers Was Published

    The papers revealed the classified history of America's involvement in Vietnam
  • Peace Begins

    US found peace with North Vietnam, but North Vietnam does not sign the agreement.
  • Paris Peace Accords Were Signed

    Signed By North Vietnam, South Vietnam, And the US. They called for a cease-fire, the return of POW's and the withdraw of US in South Vietnam.
  • War Powers Act of 1973 Was Passed

    It required the president to confront with congress 48 hours before conflict with a foreign country
  • North Vietnam Takes Over South Vietnam

    Both North and South Vietnam did not fallow the cease-fire. South Vietnam lost because they did not have any support