Vietnam war u.s 3536132

The Vietnam War

  • The Japanese surrendered, edning World War II

    The Japanese surrendered, edning World War II
    The Japanese surrendered on this date, ending the secind world war.
  • Vietnamese Communist forces defeated the French Colonists

    Vietnamese Communist forces defeated the French Colonists
    The French Colonies where defeated at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1945
  • Geneva Accords of 1954

    Geneva Accords of 1954
    These Accords divided Vietnam into a North and a South after declaring a cease-fire, and the two countries bordered each other at the 17th parallel
  • Ngo Dinh Diam Took control of South Vietnam's government

    Ngo  Dinh Diam Took control of South Vietnam's government
    As an anti-communist politition, Diam took control of the government of the Republic of Vietnam after North Vietnam "fell to communism".
  • Training the South Vietnamese Military

    Training the South Vietnamese Military
    J. F. Kennedy sent American Military Advisors to South Vietnam in an attempt to train their military, hoping they will become more resistant to the Nirth Vietnamese.
  • Four F-4C PHantoms were targets of the Vietnamese

    Four F-4C PHantoms were targets of the Vietnamese
    The bombing raid of said F-4C Phantoms were the first targets of antiaircraft defence missiles for the Americans
  • Airborn Division paratroopers

    Airborn Division paratroopers
    Airtborn DIvision Paratroopers land at Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam.
  • Anti-Military Protests

    Anti-Military Protests
    Protests outside of the Democratic National Convention became violent, being rather contrary to their goals in protesting anyway, and lead to voilence towards themselves when efforts were made by the police to still the violence.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The campaign called the "Tet Offensive" was launched by the North Vietnamese and Voiet Cong forces against U.S. targets, as well as several South Vietnamese cities.
  • North Vietnamese launches a fierce attack

    North Vietnamese launches a fierce attack
    The North Vietnamese forces launched an offensive front against the South Vietnamese in an effort to take Saigon, which they achieved the following spring.
  • Saigon Fell to the North Vietnamese

    Saigon Fell to the North Vietnamese
    The North Vietnamese overtook the South Vietnamese capitol, Siagon, and the country was reunited, thus ending the Vietnamese War.
  • Draft Pardonings

    Draft Pardonings
    President Jimmy Carter pardoned most of the draftings for the Vietnam War in 1977.