The Vietnam War

  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    This battle lasted 46 days and was won by Viet Minh and lost by the French. The Vietnamese made the French's territory smaller and smaller day by day until they had nothing left.
  • Geneva Records

    Geneva Records
    This was an attempt to end 8 years of fighting between the French and Vietnamese. It was a peaceful withdrawal of French and Vietnam and provided temporary boundary between the North and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem becomes President

    Ngo Dinh Diem becomes President
    South Vietnam declared itself a Republic of Vietnam and Ngo Dinh Diem becomes the new President.
  • NFL Established

    NFL Established
    The National Liberation Front was a political orgainization that was created to replicate the succesful liberated Vietnam from the French. It was also called Viet Cog and this is their flag that is pictured.
  • Execution

    The President of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem, his brother and advisor were all assasinated. This excecution marked the culmination of a succesful CIA backed coup.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder was Americas bombing campaign against North Vietnam. It was used as an air supremecy during the war and the first attack was 100 US planes attacked an ammunition base at Xom Bang.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The tet offensive was a massive North Vietnam "surprise attack". 70,000 forces launched a series of attacks on over 100 cities in South Vietnam. This attack was made to formet rebellion amount the South Vietnam population. It was also was a major turning point in the Vietnam War which resulted in American withdrawal.
  • U.S troops rises

    U.S troops rises
    The number of U.S troops that are in Vietnam rises to 540,000
  • Easter Offensive

    Easter Offensive
    The main goal of this attack was made to go through the Demilitarized Zone to shatter the Army of the Republic of Vietnam and to draw more more of the southern forced to the north.
  • U.S Attack

    U.S Attack
    The Presidnet, Richard Nixon, states that they will attack Cambodia, which creates protests all over the nation especially on college campuses.
  • Paris Peace Records

    Paris Peace Records
    These accords were intended to end the VIetnam War and ended up stopping the fighting and conflict between the North and South Vietnam. (temporarily)
  • Tropps withdrawan

    Tropps withdrawan
    All U.S troops are withdrawan from the war. The total number of troops was 350,000. I think this was a really important because having no troops overseas and having them all back home was a major move for America.
  • Surrender

    North Vietnam and Viet Cog join forces together to capture the capital the South Vietnam, Saigon This caused South Vietnam to surrender and ended the war.
  • Communist Country

    Communist Country
    Vietnam becomes unified as a communist country, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • Vietnam Memorial

    Vietnam Memorial
    The Vietnam Memorial was created in Washingotn D.C, which is the most visitied attraction. It is a memorial dedicated to those who served in the Vietnam War. The names of the veterans that were lost in the war are engraved on the walls.