U.s. marines in operation allen brook (vietnam war) 001

The Vietnam War

  • Vietnam Divided

    The Geneva conference concludes to have Vietnam Divided
  • Ho Chi Minh Replaced

    Ho Chi Minh is replaced by Le Diem as the First Secretary of the communist party in Vietnam.
  • JFK Wins

    John F. Kennedy wins the presidential election against Richard Nixon.
  • Saigon Incident

    A Buddhist Monk named Thich Quang Duc commits self-Immolation in Saigon.
  • Le Diem's Death

    Le Diem is murdered by South Vietnamese coup with aid from U.S. Soldiers
  • JFK is assassinated

    John F. Kennedy is assassinated at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The gulf of Tonkin Resolution gives Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to take whatever measures necessary to secure peace in Southeast Asia.
  • Battle At La Drang

    The first Major battle in the war begins at La Drang, Between American Troops and North Vietnam
  • Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive, in which The Vietcong launch attacks on many major cities in south Vietnam
  • My Lai Massacre

    American Soldiers kill more than 500 civilians in the village of My Lai.
  • Nixon wins

    Richard Nixon is Elected president.
  • U.S. Leaves

    U.S.Troops leave Vietnam.