Ho Chi Mihn Declares Vietnam's Independence
Nationalist movements were happening in Vietnam in the early 1900s. Ho Chi Mihn, translated Bringer of Light, founded Viet Minh, a militant national organization. -
U.S. Pledges Military Aid to Help the French
The U.S. and France did not trust Vietnam, and the U.S. was involved in the Cold War. -
President Eisenhower Gives Speech on The Domino Theory
President Eisenhower gave a speech on the domino theory which stated that all of Southeast Asia could eventually go down. This laid the foundation for the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. -
The Geneva Accords
The Geneva Accord was a conference where Vietnam was temporarily divided into North Vietnam led by Viet Minh and South Vietnam to be governed by the State of Vietnam and led by Bao Dai. -
Geneva Accords
The French Leave Vietnam
After ruling Vietnam for 100 years, France officially pulled out after being defeatd in the Northwest corner of Vietnam. -
Tet Offensive
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong launched 70,000 troops to attack more than 100 cities and towns in South Vietnam -
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked U.S. Navy ships. This led to heavy involvement by the U.S. in the Vietnam War. President Johnson had taken over at this point after JFK was assinated. -
First American Combat Troups Arrive in Vietnam
400,000 ground troops in Vietnam by the end of 1966. -
My Lai Massacre
500 Vietnam civilians, mostly women, older men and children were killed and raped by American troops. -
Nixon Announces Vietnamization
After taking office, Nixon announces the concept of Vietnamization, which is where all military power was transferred to South Vietnam so that America could pull out of Vietnam. -
End of Draft Announced
Nixon decided to end the draft, because he was interested in an all volunteer force, and he was hoping to please the anti-war protesters. -
Cease Fire Signed in Paris
The U.S., South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and VietCong finally signed an agreement to end the war and begin restoration in Vietnam. -
Last American Troops Leave Vietnam
Several months after signing the peace treaty with Vietnam, the last of the American troops left to go home. -
Any Remaining Americans Evacuate Vietnam