The Vietnam War

  • The first U.S combat troops arrive in Vietnam

    The first U.S combat troops arrive in Vietnam
    When the U.S discovered to what extent North Vietnam had infiltrated South Vietnam, the U.S began to deploy U.S military to Vietnam so as to be easy identifiable, greater in numbers, greater in technique and more experienced. The end
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    The Ware Begins

  • The North Vietnamese join forces with the Viet Cong for the TET offensive

    The North Vietnamese join forces with the Viet Cong for the TET offensive
    North Vietnam recognised the Viet Cong, and in doing so they joined forces for the TET offensive which saw North Vietnam battle its way onto the U.S embassy grounds, and holding the Presidential Palace hostage for several hours.
  • Communist revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh dies at age 79

    Hồ Chí Minh died at 9:47 a.m. on the morning of 2 September 1969, at his home in Hanoi at age 79 from heart failure. His embalmed body is currently on display in a mausoleum in Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi.
  • The North Vietnamese cross the demilitarized zone (DMZ) at the 17th parallel to attack South Vietnam in what became known as the Easter offensive.

    The North Vietnamese cross the demilitarized zone (DMZ) at the 17th parallel to attack South Vietnam in what became known as the Easter offensive.
  • The last U.S troops are withdrawn from Vietnam

    The last U.S troops are withdrawn from Vietnam
    After the signing of the Paris Peace Accords the U.S withdrew from Vietnam. All U.S personal were evacuated from Vietnam 24 hours before the final attack on Saigon. Many South Vietnamese stood vainly on the roof of the presidential palace waiting "evacuation helicopters" that would never arrive.
  • North Vietnam launches a massive assult on South Vietnam

    North Vietnam launches a massive assult on South Vietnam
    North Vietnamese forces under the command of General Văn Tiến Dũng began their final attack on Saigon on the 29th of April, with a heavy artillery bombardment. This bombardment at the Tân Sơn Nhứt Airport killed the last two American troops that died in Vietnam. By the afternoon of the next day, North Vietnamese troops had occupied all amjor buildings within the city and raised their flag over the South of Vietnam.
  • South Vietnam surrenders to the communists

    South Vietnam surrenders to the communists
    During the hours leading up to the surrender, the United States undertook a massive evacuation of its embassy in Saigon, Operation Frequent Wind. The evacuees included U.S. government personnel as well as high-ranking members of the ARVN and other South Vietnamese who had aided the U.S.-backed administration and were seen as potential targets for persecution by the Communists.
  • U.S President says Vietnam War is "finished"

    U.S President says Vietnam War is "finished"
    Suspecting the fall of Saigon to North Vietnamese Communist forces, U.S President Gerald Ford, announced that as far as the U.S is concerned, the Vietnam War is finished