Vietnam war

The Vietnam War

By tngross
  • Ho Chi Minh Asks U.S. Support

    Ho Chi Minh Asks U.S. Support
    Ho Chi Minh sent a letter to the President of the U.S. who was Harry S. Truman at the time. He asked for the support of the U.S. in hope to gain independence for Vietnam.
  • First Indochina War

    First Indochina War
    The Viet Minh had attacked the French forces and the first Indochine War had begun. This war was also known as the France-Vietnamese War.
  • U.S. Gives Military Aid

    U.S. Gives Military Aid
    The U.S. had given France military aid of $15 million dollars.
  • French Surrender

    French Surrender
    The French surrender to the Viet Minh.
  • First U.S. Combat Death

    First U.S. Combat Death
    The first combat death was reported of an American serviceman in Vietnam. This death is what marked the beginning of the Vietnam War.
  • Buddhist Monks Self-Immolate

    Buddhist Monks Self-Immolate
    A buddhist monk set himself on fire in portest of the South Vietnamese government, the religous intolerance, and the discriminatory policies.
  • First Mass Demonstration Against Vietnam

    First Mass Demonstration Against Vietnam
    In the U.S. the first mass public demonstrations against the American involvement in the war in Vietname took place.
  • March on the Pentagon

    March on the Pentagon
    To demonstrate against the war at Vietnam, thousands marched to the Pentagon.
  • America's Longest War

    America's Longest War
    The war in Vietnam becomes the longest war in U.S. history.
  • Vietnamization

    President Richard Nixon announces his plan for "Vietnamization" of the war. This means training and transitioning South Vietnamese troops to take over the roles that American troops have been doing.
  • Nixon Promises Withdrawal

    Nixon Promises Withdrawal
    President Nixon had promised to withdraw 35,000 troops from the war in Vietnam.
  • Cambodia Invasion

    Cambodia Invasion
    President Nixon announces that American and South Vietnamese have invaded Cambodia to destroy bases that have provided aid to the NLF, in a nationally televised broadcast,
  • Congress Votes to Withdrawal Troops

    Congress Votes to Withdrawal Troops
    The House and the Senate voted to withdrawl all of the U.S. troops in Vietnam by the end of the year.
  • Operation Linebacker

    Operation Linebacker
    President Nixon ordered a massive bombing of North Vietnam in response to a major attack that was launched in South Vietnam by the NLF.
  • Vietnam Ceasefire Signed

    Vietnam Ceasefire Signed
    The representatives from South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the United States signed a peace agreement where a ceasefire was declared and the U.S. agreed to withdraw combat troops.