The Vietnam war

  • North Vietnam's indenpendence

    North Vietnam's indenpendence
    Viet Minh defeated the French and was granted independence.
  • Dividing line was set

    The dividing line that set apart North and South Vietnam was set at the 17th Parallel.
  • south vietnam 1956 elections cancelled

    south vietnam 1956 elections cancelled
    Us gave assistance to Ngo Dinh Diem to take control of the South Vietnamese and declared the republic of Vietnam and cancelled the election in 1955.
  • US sends military advisors to vietnam

    US sends military advisors to vietnam
    JFK sent us military advisors to help train south vietnamese troops.
  • US overthrew Diem

    Because the US thought that Diem was unsalvageable. The new leaders they choose where just as ineffective.
  • The attacking of US ships.

    The attacking of US ships.
    North Vietnamese submarines attacked a US ship in the Gulf of Tonkin. After the Gulf of Tonkan Resoulition was passed which let the US send troops to Vietnam.
  • 400,000 troops in Vietnam

    400,000 troops in Vietnam
    There were around 400,000 troops in Vietnam.
  • the Tet Offensive begins

    The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong launched a huge campaign attacking 30 US troops and dozens of other citys in South Vietnam.
  • My Lai massacre

    Frustrated United States soilders killed many innocent VIetnamese civilans.
  • Police Fighting Protesters

    Outside of the Democratic National Convention protesters protested the War and resulted in police brutality.
  • 4 Students die

    When guardsmen fired into a crowed at kentstate University it killed four students>
  • Cease Fire

    Cease Fire
    a Cease fire was sighed in early 1973.