Vietnam war picture

The Vietnam War 1954-1980

By sbigbee
  • US involvement in Vietnam War

    US involvement in Vietnam War
    The current President Harry Truman tries to help and provides military assistance in the battle against communists in Indochina. In doing this he lead the US into the Vietnam War.
  • Separation of North and South Vietnam

    Separation of North and South Vietnam
    Trying to keep the peace in Indochina and an attempt to reunite Korea, the United States, UK, China, and Soviet Union meet together in a conference called Geneva Conference. This conference began on April 26th 1954 and lasted until July 20th 1954. Meeting in the conference caused severe consequences, which was the separation of North and South Korea.
  • Official US Involvement

    Official US Involvement
    The current President who was Dwight D. Eisenhower makes the Military Assistance Advisory Group go and help by beginning to train the South Vietnam Army. This was the step that officially counted as the US being involved in the Vietnam War.
  • Rise in Opposition by Viet Cong

    Rise in Opposition by Viet Cong
    The elections in Vietnam were scheduled as usual with the hopes that this could possibly unify North and South Vietnam. President Ngo Dinh Diem decided to cancel the elections, which led to the opposition of the Viet Cong (which is an organized group helped by North Vietnam Communists).
  • Laos Invaded

    Laos Invaded
    The North Vietnamese decide to invade Laos. Eventually later on in the war Laos ends up becoming a neutral country.
  • National Liberation Front of South Vietnam

    National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
    The National Liberation Front (otherwise known as Viet Cong) was created in attempt to fight the South Vietnamese and the US. This organization was used later on in order to fight US forces by the Communists.
  • Deployment of US Soldiers

    Deployment of US Soldiers
    There were many successful attacks by the NLF recently, that Robert McNamara (US Defense Secretary), deployed about 200,000 US soldiers into Vietnam.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem Assassination Attempt

    Ngo Dinh Diem Assassination Attempt
    He survives an attempted assassination by the South Vietnamese Viet Cong pilots.
  • Talk of Withdrawing US Forces

    Talk of Withdrawing US Forces
    The Defense Secretary McNamara tells the press that the Kennedy Administration has the intention of withdrawing our US forces out of South Vietnam before the end of 1965.
  • Diem Regime Overthrown

    Diem Regime Overthrown
    Diem regime is overthrown by a general who is being backed by the US, General Duong Van Minh. The day after this happened Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother were found assassinated.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder is put into play. The operation included the bombardment through air by Republic of Vietnam Air Force, US Second Air Division, and US navy going against the North Vietnamese. This operation lasted through November of 1968.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    Many civilians who were mainly made up of elderly men, women, and children are killed by an American platoon led by Lieutenant William Calley. This incident was famously known as the My Lai incident.
  • Peace Talks

    Peace Talks
    The US is involved in peace talks between North and South Vietnam in Paris.
  • Anti-War Protest

    Anti-War Protest
    Over 600,000 Americans rally at the Washington Monument to take place in an anti-war protest in Washington D.C.
  • Student Victims

    Student Victims
    National Guard was called in to keep peace at Kent University where anti-war protests were going on. Violence ended up erupting and as a result 4 students were shot, two of them were heading to class, and two of them were part of the protest group. More violence broke out due to protest groups at Jackson State College in Mississippi. Two more students were killed by police there on May 14th, 1970.
  • Bring Home Troops

    Bring Home Troops
    Both sides of Congress, the House and the Senate, vote that we should bring home all troops currently in Vietnam by the end of the year.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    Once the Paris Peace Accords were signed, the involvement of US military in the Vietnam War was officially over. This event had established cease fire between North Vietnam and South Vietnam.
  • US Troops Leave

    US Troops Leave
    The last troops of the US leave Vietnam. More than 3 million Americans served in the Vietnam war by helping out in some way, out of that number about 1,000 were missing in action, 150,000 were wounded, and about 60,000 were dead.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    Saigon was the capital of South Vietnam and it was captured by the Vietnam People's Army. This date marks the official end of the Vietnam war, and today is known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.