Germany Surrenders in WWII
WWII ends and there strarts a fight for global power by the United States and the Soviet Union. Although these two superpowers were allies in the war there was a lot of tension between them. -
Postdam Confrence
Splitting up Germany after the war to weed out Nazis and eventually put Germany back together started more tension between the Soviet Union, Britian, France and the U.S. Berlin was split by all of the seperate areas. -
Korean War
A war starts between North and South Korea because the north was Communist whereas south Korea was anti-communist. The U.S. steps in and helps south Korea regain its area. Once the south was fully back in thier own power the UN and U.S. still continued North into North Korea -
Begining of Vietnam war
This was another war of North and South. Communist and anti-communist struggle for power. -
USSR launched a satilite into orbit and really started the space race -
Bay of Pigs
A failled attempt to start a revolution in Cuba to bring down communist leader Fidel Castro. -
Rise of the Berlin Wall
The communists in Eastern Berlin were seperated from the non-communist western part of the city with a wall that was built overnight. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
The battle between the Soviet Union and the United States over missles deployed in Cuba by the Soviets -
Assinarion of JFK
Lee Harvy Oswald was arrested for killing the United Stated President. Lindon Johnson took over -
Man on the moon
Lance Armstrong, a U.S. astronaut landed on the moon. Making the United States the first country to put a man on the moon. -
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union. This treaty stopped the addition of strategic ballistic missile launchers. -
End of Vietnameese War
The capture of Saigon marked the end of the Vietnam war and the victory of the North -
Soviet–Afghan War
The Soviets assisted Afganastan in the take down on anti communist rebels revolting against the government. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The seperation of Eastern and Western Berlin was finally broken down and uniting the city once again -
Cold War Ends
USSR was dissolved due to banckrupcy, This resulted in the end of The Cold Wsr