The Vietnam War

  • French colonial rule begins

  • France recognizes the Democratic Republic of Vietnam

  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine is issued, promising U.S. support for armed opposition to communists around the globe
  • Republic of China

    The newly established people's republic of china China, followed by the soviet Union led by HochiMinh
  • The U.S. providing money to the French

    The U.S. is providing increasing support for the French effort in Indoniesa supplying 80% of the dollar cost
  • 200,000 american campat troops barrive in south vietnam

  • U.S. troops engaged: 8,744,000

  • American battle deaths: 47,410

  • The U.S. helped non-Communist South Vietnam fight invasion by Communist North Vietnam.

  • North Vietnamese torpedo boats reportedly attack U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin on August 2, 1964. President Johnson ordered retaliatory air strikes and Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which gave permission for U.S. retaliation.