The Vietnam War – 1954-1980

  • The split of one into two!

    The split of one into two!
    During the Geneva Accords Vietnam is divided in half at the 17th parallel. Ho Chi Minh's Communists ceded the North, and Bao Dai's regime is granted the South.
  • U.S. Aid

    U.S. Aid
    U.S. delievers its first shipment of Military supplies to The Republic of Vietnam. The U.S. Also offers training to the novice South Vietname Army.
  • Prime Minister Diem becomes President of South Korea

    Prime Minister Diem becomes President of South Korea
    After defeating Bao Dai Prime Minister Diem becomes the first Prsident of The Republic of South Korea.
  • Increase in Aid by Americans

    Increase in Aid by Americans
    A new army is created by Ho Chi Minh for South Vietnam, Vietcong. U.S. President Eisenhower sends over hundreds of advisors to train the Vietcong troops.
  • Ho Chi Minh declares a People's War

    Ho Chi Minh declares a People's War
    Ho Chi Minh declares a People's War to unite all of Vietnam under his leadership starting an armed revolution.
  • Two U.S. Advisors killed

    Two U.S. Advisors killed
    Maj. Dale Buis and Sgt. Chester Ovnand, U.S. military advisors are killed by Viet Minh guerrillas in South Vietnam. These military adviors are the first American deaths in the Second Indochina War. Americans will soon come to know this war as The Vietnam War.
  • John F. Kennedy the 35th president of the U.S.A

    John F. Kennedy the 35th president of the U.S.A
    Kennedy becomes 35th predisdent of the U.S.A. Kennedy and states during his inaugration, "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to insure the survival and the success of liberty."
  • Green Berets to South Vietnam

    Green Berets to South Vietnam
    Kennedy sends over 400 Green Berets to South Vietnam to train the soldiers in the fight against Viet Gong guerrillas.
  • Kennedy sends letter to Diem

    Kennedy sends letter to Diem
    On the sixth anniversary of the Republic of South Vietnam, President Kennedy sends a letter to President Diem and pledges "the United States is determined to help Vietnam preserve its independence..."
  • Foreign Assistance Act of 1962

    Foreign Assistance Act of 1962
    Foreign Assistance Act of 1962 which provides "...military assistance to countries which are on the rim of the Communist world and under direct attack." is signed by President Kennedy.
  • Lodge in South Vietnam

    Lodge in South Vietnam
    U.S. ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge arrives in South Vietnam. However miscomunication between Lodge and U.S. State Department causes Lodge to encourage military overthrough of President Diem. Lodge reports to President Kennedy "...there is no possibility, in my view, that the war can be won under a Diem administration."
  • Presidental Palace in Saigonis siezed

    Presidental Palace in Saigonis siezed
    The Presdiental Palace in Saigon is siezed by rebals trying to overthrough President Diem. President Diem and his brother are trapped inside. They manage to escape in the evening and find shelter in a safe house.
  • President Diem Assassinated

    President Diem Assassinated
    President Diem is assassinated when he is betrayed by a general and his hiding place is given up.
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy Assassinated
    United States President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President of U.S

    Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President of U.S
    Former Vice President becomes the 36th president of the United States after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Johnson declares that we will not "loose Vietnam".
  • 16,300 US Military advisors in South Vietnam

    16,300 US Military advisors in South Vietnam
    By the end of 1963 there are 16,300 military advisors in South Vietnam. The United States has also given over $500 million dollars in aid to South Vietnam during this year.