Vietnam war ii1

The Vietnam War 1954-1980

  • Eisenhower Rejects Troop Commitment

    Eisenhower Rejects Troop Commitment
    President Eisenhower announces that it would be a tradgedy for America to get heavily involved in any regions. He refused to commit his troops to the Franco-Vietnamese war.
  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    The Viet Minh began on this day with their attack on outpost "Beatrice". Around 500 French had diead and the battle did not end until the 7th of may, 1954.
  • The Geneva Accords

    The Geneva Accords
    In Geneva, Switzerland an international conference was held discussing the problems of Indochina. The Geneva Accords stated that Vietnam was to become an independent nation. All Viet Minh soldiers were to go to the North and all the French soldiers were sent to the South.
  • Eisenhower Reelected

    Eisenhower Reelected
    Dwight D. Eisenhower was reelected for his second term as President of the United States. This presidential election was the last before admissions of Hawaii and Alaska.
  • National Liberation Front Formed

    National Liberation Front Formed
    North Vietnam annouces the formation of NFL also known as the National Liberation Front. This liberation was formed to replicate the success of Mihn, the organization that liberated Vietnam from the French.
  • MACV

    The Military Assistance Command Vietnam also known as the MACV was established. The South Vietnamese doubled between 1961 and 1962.
  • Battle of Ap Bac

    Battle of Ap Bac
    South Vietnam and US advisers got ready to attack Ap Tan Thoi. South Vietnam lost 83 and US lost 3, many wounded as well.
  • Diem Overthrown

    Diem Overthrown
    President Ngo Dinh Diem was overthrown and executed ending his long, 9 year, bloody term.
  • Viet Cong Attack Pleiku

    Viet Cong Attack Pleiku
    Vietnam attacks on an American air base resulting in nine Americans dead and 128 wounded. President Johnson orders an air strike on North Vietnam, also known as "Flaming Dart ll".
  • Democratic National Convention

    Democratic National Convention
    At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Hubert H. Humphrey wins the presidential nomination; meanwhile anti-war protestors clash with police in the streets outside the convention. Chicago's Democratic mayor, Richard Daley, authorizes officers to use any force necessary to clear the protests. Very violent and ending in many arrestes and bystanders injured.
  • MLK Assassinated

    MLK Assassinated
    Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. His assassin, James Earl Ray, pleads guilty and is sentenced to 99 years in prison.
  • Cover of LIFE Magazine

    Cover of LIFE Magazine
    "The Faces of the American Dead in Vietnam: One Week's Toll," 242 portrait photos of the dead young American men in a yearbook style format. This had a very powerful effect on the Americans.
  • Anti-Vietnam War

    Anti-Vietnam War
    This was the largest anti-war demonstration in the United States. The Vietnam Moratorium Committee staged this demonstation that was in a peace state of mind during the whole demonstration. Singing songs of peace and have many speeches made this anti war demonstration drawing in hundreds of thousands of American people wanted the war to end.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    The First Mass Demonstration Against Vietnam in the United States began on college campuses and major cities. The national guard was called in and 4 deaths at Kent State University, 67 rounds were fired against the students and wounding 9 other students too.
  • Vietnam Peace Agreement

    Vietnam Peace Agreement
    A cease fire goes into effect. Representatives from South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the United States sign a peace agreement. U.S. agree and withdraw combat troops, and the government of South Vietnam promises to hold free elections to allow its people to decide their future.