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The Vietnam War

  • Beginning of Vietnam War

    Beginning of Vietnam War
    Vietnam divides into two countries the Communist-led north and U.S.-supported south.
  • SEATO Treaty

    SEATO  Treaty
    Source "Eight nations sign U.S. sponsored SEATO treaty."
  • First Fallen Soilder

    First Fallen Soilder
    SourceSP4 James Davis of Livingston, Tennessee killed by Viet Cong (VC). First American killed in Vietnam war.
  • Foreign Assistance Act of 1962

    Foreign Assistance Act of 1962
    Source Kennedy signs act which states "...military assistance to countries which are on the rim of the Communist world and under direct attack."
  • Kennedy Assassined

    Kennedy Assassined
    Source President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas. Johnson is now sworn in as 36th president.
  • U.S. Goes to War

    U.S. Goes to War
    Congress grants request to go to war against the North Vietnamese and the Communists for violating the Geneva Accords.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder begins.

    Operation Rolling Thunder begins.
    Source "A massive U.S. bombing campaign called Rolling Thunder begins in North Vietnam. The U.S. will conduct nearly constant air raids on North Vietnam for the next three years."
  • The U.S. Arrives

    The U.S. Arrives
    Source The first U.S. combat troops arrive in Vietnam.
  • North Vietnam Launches Tet Offensive

    North Vietnam Launches Tet Offensive
    Source Surprise multi-city attack in South Vietnam.
  • Mai Lai Massacre

    Mai Lai Massacre
    Source U.S. troops brutal kill hundreds of civilians in Mai Lai.
  • Troops Reach All-Time High

    Troops Reach All-Time High
    Source Over 540,000 U.S. troops recorded in Vietnam
  • Nixon Announces Cambodia Attack

    Nixon Announces Cambodia Attack
    SourcePresident Nixon informs U.S. about the plan to invade Cambodia, America breaks out in protest.
  • American Troops Return Home

    American Troops Return Home
    SourceU.S. ground troops leave, fighting restarts between north and south vietnam but America does not go back.
  • South Surrenders

    South Surrenders
    Source South Vietnam surrenders after being invaded at Saigon.
  • North Vietnam Wins

    North Vietnam Wins
    Source Vietnam is unified as a communist country