French Rule is Diminished
Japan Occupies Indochine: The Japanese diminish French Rule in Indochina. Emporer Bao Dai comes into power in Vietnam, creating the illusion of an independent Vietnamese state. -
The Revolt
Viet Minh, under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh, organizes August 1945 demonstration. Viet Mihn revolts againts Emporer Bao Dai, Japan's hand-selected ruler.12 days later Ho Chi Minh surrenders to Viet Minh. -
Battle of Dien Bien Phu Began
The Viet Minh made their first assault against the French forces. The battle went on for over two months and ended with the French surrenduring. -
The Division of Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh and France sign the Geneva Accords, leading to the division of Vietnam. Vietnam was supposed to be divided at the seventeenth parallel until elections could be held in 1956 to reunify the country. The United States and the South Vietnamese government refused to sign the agreement. -
Americans face first casualties in Vietnam
Two military advisors were killed by Viet Minh guerilla soldiers in a raid at Bien Hoa in South Vietnam. -
The Formation of Viet Cong
The Viet Cong were the military arm of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, an organization formed on December 20,1960. Members included Ex-Viet Mihn guerilla soldiers from the South. Guerilla Soldiers were a small group of civilians or irregulars who used military tactics (including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-runs tactics, and mobility) to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military. -
Casualties in the South
Viet Cong Guerilla fighters kill nearly 4,000 South Vietnamese Government Officials. -
First U.S. Combat Casualty
An American Serviceman was killed, which officially marked the beginning of the Vietnam War. -
Military Assistance Command Vietnam
United States is officially authorized to fire if they are fired upon. -
The General Overthrows the Diem
South Vietnamese General, Doung Van Minh, overthrows the Diem regime and orders the execution of Diem and his brothers. -
Bombing in North Vietnam
Image: The engagement between Maddox and three small North Vietnamese motor torpedo boats on 2 August 1964.
A second assault takes place on the USS Maddox, reported by Vietnamese gunboats. They lacked evidence of this occurance. Lyndon B. Johnson orders retaliatory strikes. The United States bombs North Vietnam for the first time. -
From North to South
The first unit of troops from Northern Vietnam were sent to the South. -
United States Combat Arrives
The first United States Combat Unit arrives in Vietnam.
U.S. Marines take up defensive positions after landing at Da Nang Bay in South Vietnam on March 8, 1965. -
"Cease-Fire!" Peace Talks
Representatives from the United States, the South Vietnamese government, and the NLF appear for the peace talks, held in Paris. -
The Victor
The Vietnam War ends – the city of Saigon surrenders on April 30, ending the United States and allies involvement in the fighting.