
The Vietnam War

  • September 1940 - Japan invades Vietnam.

    September 1940 - Japan invades Vietnam.
    September 1940 - Japan invades Vietnam.- attempting to construct military bases to strike against the Allies in Southeast Asia.
  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    Ho Chi Minh establishes the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Hanoi. Vietnam is divided.
  • Truman Commits U.S. Troops to Korea

    Truman Commits U.S. Troops to Korea
    Communist forces from North Korea invade the Republic of South Korea on June 25, President Truman appeals to the United Nations to take action
  • war

    The French are defeated at Dien Bien Phu. The famous General Giap commands the Vietnamese forces.
  • Vietnamese forces

    Vietnamese forces
    Vietnamese forces occupy the French command post at Dien Bien Phu and the French commander orders his troops to cease fire. The battle had lasted 55 days.
  • American Combat

    American Combat
    The first American combat death in Vietnam occurs.
  • NFL

    The National Liberation Front also called the Viet Cong, is established in South Vietnam.
  • President Diem

    President Diem
    South Vietnamese President Diem is assassinated.
  • Presidential election

    Presidential election
    Two days before the U.S. presidential election, Vietcong mortars shell Bien Hoa Air Base near Saigon. Four Americans are killed, 76 wounded
  • Nixon

    President Nixon orders the first of many U.S. troop withdrawals from Vietnam.