The Vietnam War

  • Japanese invation

    Japan invates Vietnam.
    Later vietnamese politician Ho Chi Minh establishes Viet Minh (League for the Independence of Vietnam), a vietnamese party.
  • American invasion

    Vietnam recives military weapons from China, while the USA pledeges $15 million worth of military aid to France to help them fight in Vietnam.
  • A seperation of North and South

    France suffer a defeat in the war against Vietnam, which creates a boundary between Southern and Nothern Vietnam. North Vietnam declares itself the Republic of Vietnam, while South Vietnam recieve economical help from the United States of America.
  • First attack of U.S.

    North Vietnam attack U.S. troops starting a larger war between North and South
  • U.S. bombings of North

    In response to the attacks of North in 1964, a U.S. aerial bombing of North Vietnam begins, called Operation Rolling Thunder.
  • The first American troops arrive

    From 1965-1968 the number of US troops rice to 540.000.
  • North attack of Southern cities

    The North Vietnamese join forces with the political organisation Viet Cong to launch the "Tet Offensive", attacking many Southern Vietnamese cities and towns.
  • The First US troops leave Vietnam

    President Nixon orders the first of many US troop withdrawles from Vietnam
  • The Paris Peace Accords are signed

    It provided ceasefire
  • The last US troops leave Vietnam