The Victorian Era

  • Queen Victoria Becomes Queen

    Victoria becomes Queen, due to her father's death.
  • The First Telegraph

    William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone send the first electric telegraph. They later founded The Electric Telegraph Company, and electric telegraphs were used by many people throughout Britain.
  • The People's Charter

    A group forms to protest and revolt known as, "The People's Charter." They fight for a more democratic approach, which included the implements of some changes. They wanted as follows: Voting for men at the age of 21, no property qualifications to run for parliament, annual elections, equal representation, and other very American styled laws.
  • Birmingham Railway

    The first working railway is made.
  • The Queen Gets Married

    Queen Victoria marries Prince Albert, whom is her first cousin.
  • The Penny Black

    A stamp used for letters that has a picture of Queen Victoria is produced and implemented. Eventually, this spreads out across the world and becomes used more frequently.
  • Crimean War

    War is declared on Russia.This occurs due to rights of Christians within the Ottoman Empire.
  • The Vaccination Act

    Mandatory vaccines are given to children. If parents don't get their children vaccines, they are fined or sent to jail.
  • On the Origin of Species

    Charles Darwin publishes his book On the Origin of Species, which is heavily controversial because it goes against the Bible.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell makes the first working telephone.
  • India Claims Victoria As Their Empress

    India decides that Queen Victoria should be their empress.
  • The Death of The Queen

    Queen Victoria dies at the age of 81. Therefore, the Victorian era ends. Edward the sixth takes her place for nine years.