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The Victorian Age

  • Accession of Queen Victoria

    Accession of Queen Victoria
    When Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837, she was only 18 years old. She was to rule for almost 64 years and she gave her name to an age full of economic and scientific progress and social reforms.
  • Chartism

    A national protestant movement. People who supported this movement asked for universale male suffrage, equal electoral districts, secret ballots, paid MPs and abolition of property qualification for membership.
  • Period: to

    First Opium War

    Was a series of military engagements fought between England against China.
  • Marriage

    Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
  • Irish Potato Famine

    Bad weather and an unknown plant disease from America caused the destruction of potato crops.Ireland, whose agriculture depended on potatoes, experienced a terrible famine, during which a lot of people died and many emigrated, mostly to America, in
    search of a better life.
  • Corn Laws were abolished.

    These laws imposed tariffs on imported corn, keeping the price of
    bread artificially high to protect the landed interests.
  • East India

    East india company ruled most of the nothern, central and south-eastern india.
  • Great Exhibition

    Great Exhibition
    Great Exhibition, organised by Prince Albert, which showed the world
    Britain’s industrial and economic power. The exhibition was made and hosted at the Crystal Palace. In this Exhibition more than 15 thousand exhibitors from all over the world displayed their
    goods to millions of visitors.
  • Period: to

    Crimean War

    It began as a dispute between Russia and the Ottoman Turks, but soon France and Britain got involved since they wanted to limit Russia’s power in the area. The Crimean War was the first
    conflict reported in newspapers by journalists ‘on the ground’.
  • Period: to

    Second Opium War

    The Second OpiumWar (1856-60), known as the Anglo-French War in China, was fought by Britain and France against China.
  • Indian Mutiny

    The Indian Mutiny, against British rule began, when the Indian administration was given fewer responsibilities.
  • Prince Consort

    Prince Albert becomes Prince Consort
  • On the Origin of the Species

    On the Origin of the Species
    Charles Dickens published "On the origin of species". Darwin's book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection.
  • Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dies

  • London underground

    London underground
    First section of London Underground, the world's first underground railway,opens.
  • Second Reform Act

    The Second Reform Act enfranchised part of the urban male working class in England and Wales for the first time. Extends the right to vote to some sections of the working classes.
  • First Government of Benjamin Disraeli

    Benjamin Disraeli first prime minister that led the Conservative party only for a few months.
  • Period: to

    First Government of William Gladstone

  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    The Suez Canal opens and the Union Pacific Railroad connects the East and West coasts of the USA.
  • Education Act

    Introduced board schools in poor areas of towns, and established the basis of elementary education.
  • Trade Union Act

    Was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which legalised trade unions for the first time in the United Kingdom.
  • Ballot Act

    Was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that introduced the requirement for parliamentary and local government elections in the United Kingdom to be held by secret ballot.
  • Period: to

    Second government of Benjamin Disraeli

    Second government led by Benjamin Disraeli from the conservative party.
  • Artisans and Labourers Dwellings

    Artisans and Labourers Dwellings
    With this artisan and labour dwelling they cleared the slums and provided housing for poor.
  • Public Health Act

    Its purpose was to codify previous measures aimed at combating filthy urban living conditions, Which caused various health threats, including the spread of many diseases such as cholera and typhus.It provided sanitation and running water.
  • Victoria becomes Empress of India

    In 1877, Benjamin Disraeli, Conservative Prime Minister, had Queen Victoria proclaimed as Empress of India. India was already under crown control after 1858, but this title was a gesture to link the monarchy with the empire further and bind India more closely to Britain.
  • Britain takes over Transvaal.

    Britain takes over Transvaal. This event will then cause a Boers rebellion.
  • Factory Act

    Were a series of acts passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom to regulate the conditions of industrial employment.
  • Period: to

    Second government of William Gladstone

    William Gladstone becomes prime minister and led the liberal party.
  • Period: to

    The First Boer war

    Was a war fought between the United Kingdom and Boers of the Transvaal
  • The Married Women's Property Act

    was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that significantly altered English law regarding the property rights of married women, which besides other matters allowed married women to own and control property in their own right.
  • The Third Reform Act

    The Third Reform Act
    The Third Reform Act of 1884–85 extended the vote to agricultural workers and to all male householders.
  • Labour Party

    Independent Labour Party is founded.
  • Period: to

    The Second Boer War

    Was fought between the British Empire and two independent Boer states, the South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) and the Orange Free State, over the Empire's influence in South Africa.
  • Queen Victoria dieds