High tech house
The parents buy a high tech house that does everything for you. -
checks out nursery
Mom says George i think we should check out the nursery. Then The mom and dad go into the nursury and they get mad cause its in Africa and it is not safe there. -
Change the nursery
The parents tell the kids that they need to change the nursury to something safe like London and not Africa. -
forced to shut off the house
The kids do not change the nursery so the parents are shuttung downv the house until the kids can take care of themsefes. -
Kids find a way
When the house is shut off the kids are really sneacky and find a way to turn it back on! -
Must lour the parents
After they find a way to turn the house back on the kids are trying to lour there parents in to the nursery.They do this by yelling "Help" from inside the nursery. -
Parents get locked in and killed.
After the kids loured the parents in to the nursery they lock the door and then the parents get munched on by visious lions. -
The kids are free
Now that the parents are gone the kids have the house to themselfs and they are free to play in Africa whenever they want. -
Parents friend comes
A friend of the parents come to the house cause they could not get in contact with them. He enters the nursery and all he sees is blood on the wall then the dooor locks behind him. -
The end
Now the kids have nothing to worry about and they are free to do what ever they want in there house and nursery.But now they do not have any parents.