The Veldt

By Gorety
  • Exposition

    Lydia thinks that George should check out the nursery due to the fact that she thinks something is wrong with it. At first, he does not think that anything is wrong with it, even though his wife is worried about how the lions are eating something in the corner of the nursery. The nursery is consisted of the children's thoughts and imagination. She is worried that the children are thinking of detrimental and vulgar thoughts.
  • Rising Action-1

    Rising Action-1
    The lions were very real and frightened Lydia to the extent of telling George not to let Peter and Wendy read any more on Africa. She also convinced him to lock the door, even though Peter was very bothered about it before.
  • Rising Action-2

    Rising Action-2
    Lydia also wanted George to shut the whole house off in order for them to try and live a less complicated life. She feels as though they have nothing to do and lack purpose since the house does everything for them.
  • Rising Action-4

    Rising Action-4
    At dinner, George got up and started for the nursery. He began to worry about his children's minds and how they were thinking vulgur thoughts. George was talking to his wife about how the room was broken since it did not respond to his orders.
  • Rising Action-5

    Rising Action-5
    Peter and Wendy came back from the carnival and George confronted them about the African veldt. They claimed that they did not know anything. Wendy ran to the nursery and came back saying that there was no veldt. George then realised that he had forgotten to lock the nursery door, allowing Wendy to go into it.
  • Rising Action-6

    Rising Action-6
    When Wendy came back, she said that it wasn't Africa. They then all went down to the nursery together and saw that it was a lovely green forest. George ordered the children to their room and then found a wallet of his on the ground covered in saliva and blood. He then locked the nursery door.
  • Rising Action-7

    Rising Action-7
    George and Lydia discuss how Wendy had changed the scenery of the nursery. They talk about how the children are disobeying them even though they have given them everything that they had wanted. They began to act this way every since George did not allow them to go to New York alone. They then heard screams coming from the nursery and realised that the screams sounded familiar.
  • Rising Action-8

    Rising Action-8
    Peter was talking to his father about not locking up the nursery. When his father finalized his answer and said no, Peter strolled off and did not argue any longer.
  • Rising Action-9

    Rising Action-9
    The parents decided to bring in David McClean, a psychologist in order to check out the nursery. He then said that these events are occurring due to the fact that the children do not agree with the parents' decisions and are acting out against them. He tells George to shut up the nursery and send the children to therapy. When the children found out about this, they threw a tantrum and were in hysterics. They were supposed to be leaving to Iowa in order to start a new life for themselves,
  • Rising Action-10

    Rising Action-10
    They were supposed to be leaving to Iowa, but Lydia convinced him to let the children go in it one last time for just a minute. While Lydia and were dressing themselves, they heard the children call for them.
  • Climax

    George and Lydia ran into the nursery only find themselves locked in since the door slammed behind them. Peter and Wendy had locked them in due to the fact that they disagreed with what they were doing. The lions then began to inch toward them and they realized why the screams sounded so familar.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    David McClean arrived and asked where George and Lydia were. The children were just playing in the nursery.
  • Resolution

    The lions were feeding on something and the parents were gone.