George and Lydia have children. George thinbks it is a good idea to spoil them with this new technology. It is a portal to Africa and the children always play in it. Lydia doesn't agree that letting them in the world a lot is a good idea. -
Rising Action
As the children play more and more in Africa with the lions, George gets more and more worried. The parents realize they need to do something about it. -
George and Lydia started realizing the kids talked back to them more often. The parents have to choose between going on with their life the same or turning off the smart house. Its the kids and the house agaianst the parents. -
Falling Action
The kids come up with a plan because they disagree with the parents decision. They decide to use the smart house to their advantage. -
The kids trap the parents in the virutal Africa world. Obviously, the lions feast on the parents. David's prediction was all right. He knew the kids would choose the technology over their parents.