First English colony
Jamestown was the first settlement of the Virginia Colony, founded in 1607, and served as capital of Virginia until 1699, when the seat of government was moved to Williamsburg. -
Introduction to african slaves to the english colonies
Although they knew about Spanish and Portuguese slave trading, the British did not conceive of using slave labor in the Americas until the 17th century. British travelers were fascinated by the dark-skinned people they found in West Africa, and sought to create mythologies that situated these new human beings in their view of the cosmos. The first Africans to arrive in England came voluntarily with John Lok (an ancestor of the famous philosopher John Locke) in 1555. Lok intended to teach -
The American revolution
At about 5 a.m., 700 British troops, on a mission to capture Patriot leaders and seize a Patriot arsenal, march into Lexington to find 77 armed minutemen under Captain John Parker waiting for them on the town's common green. British Major John Pitcairn ordered the outnumbered Patriots to disperse, and after a moment's hesitation the Americans began to drift off the green. Suddenly, the "shot heard around the world" was fired from an undetermined gun, and a cloud of musket smoke soon covered the -
Civil War starts
Background information
-The American Civil is often referred to as the first modern war
- More than three million men fought in the war
- Two percent of the population (more than 620,000) died in it.
- In two days at shiloh on the banks of the tennessee river, more americans fell than in all previous American wars combined.
-During the Battle of Antietam , 12,401 Union men were killed, missing or wounded; double the casualties of D-day, 82 years later. With a total of 23,000 casualties on both s -
American Independence declared
The Declaration of Independence, 1776. By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain.