The US Government

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. this offically declared the 13 colonies independent from Great Britian on July 4th, 1776.
  • Break-Up letter

    Break-Up letter
    Febuary 6th, the U.S. , France, become allies. They seperate themselves and wanted to rule there own way because they weren't supporting Great Britains rights.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's Rebellion exposed the weakness in the AOC. Led by former Revolutionary war Veterain Daniel Shay. Mostly farmers and war veterains.
  • Nobel signers of the Constitution

    Nobel signers of the Constitution
    Nobel signers of the Constitution are George Washingtion, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin.
    All were white men of property, no women or people of color.
  • Structure of the Constitiution

    Structure of the Constitiution
    Article I- Legislative Branch
    Article II- Executive Branch
    Article III- Judicial branch
    Articles IV-VII : Relations between stats, amendments processes, federal power, ratification.
    Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments) added in 1791.
  • U.S. Constitution

    U.S. Constitution
    The Articles of Confederation were America's first constitution. They established a weak central government, most of the power went to indevidual state governments.
  • The Preamble

    The Preamble
    The preamble in the introduction to the constitution. It outlines the goals and purposes of the new government.
  • Legislative Branch

    Legislative Branch
    Article I - The branch of government responsible for making laws.
    Consists of the U.S. Congress: House of Representatives and the Senate.
    DUTIES - Making laws, Declaring war, Collect taxes.
  • Distribution of Power

    Distribution of Power
    Emurmerated powers - powers specifically listen in the Constitution. Declaring war, Coining money, Regulating inerstate commerce. These are given to national governments.
    Reserved - power kept by the states or the people. Creating schools, issuing drivers licenes. these are not given to the federal government in te Constitution.
    Concurrent Powers - Powers shared by both federal and state governments. Collecting taxes, building roads, creating courts. These allow cooperation between the states.
  • Writing the Constitution

    Writing the Constitution
    Constitutional convention was held in Philedelphia, 1787.
    Key figures were James Madison, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamiltion.
  • Executive Branch

    Executive Branch
    Article II - Establishes the office of the President and Vice President.
    Presidental Duties - Commander i chief of the armed forces.
    Power to grant pardons and reprieves.
    Nominste surpreme court justices and federal judges.
    Deliver the state of the union adress.
    Sign or veto passed by Congress.
  • Judicial Branch

    Judicial Branch
    Article III -
    Creates the surpreme court and lower federal courts.
    Establishes the principle of Judical review.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The bill of rights is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Added in 1791 to protet indevidual rights. Limits the power of the federal individual liberties. The important amendments are the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th. This shapes American law and society to this day. This protects individual freedoms from government overreach. The origin was it was created during the ratification of the Constitution(1787-88). Anti- federalists demanded more protextion for individual rights.