Pg 28 arab women epa

The up rasing of Egypt

  • the meeting

    the meeting
    mubarak made the 1st meeting between 2 countries in 5 years
  • the assassination

    the  assassination
    anwar sadat was assassinated and vise persendent mubark took over
  • the votes

    the votes
    mubarak won to be president with 96% of the people voting for him
  • eascaping assasination

    eascaping assasination
    he escaped an assasnation attempt in addis ababa
  • United States viste

    United States viste
    mumbarak visted the united states
  • 58 of them killed

    58 of them killed
    gunmen killed 58 tourist in a temple in loxor and Egypt claims the responsibity for the attack that happened. six of the attackers were eventually killed after 3hours in the gun battle with the police
  • the month of september

    the month  of  september
    Mubarak was attacked
    - later that month he was re-eleted he waqs voted for the fourth time of a six- year tream
  • Going to Lebanon

    Going to  Lebanon
    mubarak made the 1st vist by an egytian head of state he went to lebanon
  • the worst

    the worst
    the sores were killed at sharm el-sheikh it was the worst attack un egypt in recent history -Mubarak is re- elected to a 5th six year tream
  • meet obama

    meet obama
    mubarka and obama got to meet one another in cairo
  • people assembly

    they had there first round of election for people's assembly
  • boming church

    a boming of a church happened
  • getting on air

    getting on air
    he got on the news to infor people what the people of egypt wanted on jan 10 and the 11th
  • the people of egypt

    the  people  of  egypt
    protesters were taking the streets they were flooding egypts ground with water and etc . it was like they had enough
  • found gulity

    found   gulity
    after a long ten months of trail and court and things bhe was found gulity of all charges related to the deaths and he got life in prison and is never getting out
  • his trail

    his  trail
    he had to go to trail for charge of conspiracy for his role in the anti protester killing