1876 — The University was founded as University College, Bristol. It was the first higher education institution in England to admit women on an equal basis to men. Источник Изображение -
Beautiful lady
1970 — Nobel Prize-winner Professor Dorothy Hodgkin becomes the fifth Chancellor of the University and the first (non-royal) female chancellor of any British university. She was also the first British woman to win a Nobel Prize, and academic tutor to Margaret Thatcher, the first female British prime minister. Изображение -
1983 — The Law Faculty celebrates its 50th anniversary. Today the faculty is one of the largest in the country with over 40 members of staff. Изображение -
Symphony Orchestra
1990 — The University Symphony Orchestra in rehearsal. The Orchestra is still very popular today, and attracts some 100 musicians from across the student population. It runs four programmes a year that strike a balance between established classics of the 19th and 20th centuries and new and lesser-known works. Изображение -
Repair of giant bell
1992 — The University carries out repairs to Great George, the giant bell that hangs in the tower of the Wills Memorial Building. Great George is the sixth-largest bell in England and is believed to be the largest that can be rung by hand. Изображение -
Soviet graduate
1993 — Mr Mikhail Gorbachev, the former president of the Soviet Union, becomes an honorary graduate of the University at a special degree congregation in December. He receives the degree of Doctor of Laws. Lord Sainsbury and HRH The Duchess of Kent also receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws during the same ceremony. Изображение -
Internet access
1998 — The ResNet service is launched, making Bristol the first university in the UK to provide internet access direct to study bedrooms in University accommodation. Today, the service has been extended to smaller University houses and is constantly upgraded to provide faster speeds and new services. Изображение -
000 — The Bristol Enterprise Centre is launched to provide a professional bridge between the University and the commercial world and to manage the creation of 'spin-out' companies from the University. Изображение2 -
The Centre for Sport
2002 — In October, The Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health is opened by Richard Caborn MP, Minister for Sport. The £5-million centre includes a state-of-the-art fitness suite, two exercise studios, and a sports hall with a balcony that doubles as a jogging track. It also houses the Exercise and Sports Medicine Workshop, where services such as physiotherapy and osteopathy are available. Изображение -
The Centre for the Study
2003 — On 18 March the Centre for the Study of the Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets opens. The origins and structure of the Earth and its neighbours in the solar system are the focus of the new, four-million-pound research and teaching facilities. Изображение