
The United States' Perspective on WWII

  • Treaty of Versailles - Causing Tensions

    Treaty of Versailles - Causing Tensions
    The Treaty of Versailles was the ending of the First World War. This treaty unjustly punished the Central Powers beyond what was necessary and also did not give proper reward to several of the Allied Powers. This would later cause tensions most notably within Germany.
  • The Nazis Rise from the Depths

    The Nazis Rise from the Depths
    The National Socialist German Workers' Party, or Nazi Party, was a political party within Germany with Adolf Hitler as the leader of said party. Adolf Hitler was eventually elected Chancellor of Germany, later becoming the Führer.
  • Start of WWII - Atlantic

    Start of WWII - Atlantic
    Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Due to the alliance of Poland to the United Kingdom and France, both declared war on Nazi Germany. As such, WWII started.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor; The United States Joins. - Pacific

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor; The United States Joins. - Pacific
    The United States was displeased with Japan, as they were part of the Axis Powers, which also included Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy; as such, the United States had set an embargo of oil, metal, and other necessary war materials. In retaliation of the embargo alongside the self-interest of Asian territory, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. This caused the United States to enter WWII.
  • Battle of Midway - Pacific

    Battle of Midway - Pacific
    The Battle of Midway was a naval battle near a small set of islands in the Pacific. The United States Navy sunk four Japanese carriers, and turned the tide against the war on Japan. Today, it is considered one of the most important naval battles in United States history.
  • Operation Torch - Atlantic

    Operation Torch - Atlantic
    Operation Torch was the Allied invasion of North Africa. The invasion was meant as a warm-up for the United States in fighting the Italians and the Nazis. This was a victory for the Allies.
  • The Allied Invasion of Italy - Atlantic

    The Allied Invasion of Italy - Atlantic
    The invasion of Italy opened a second front in Europe against the Axis powers, which would relieve the Soviets from fighting the Germans alone. The invasion was successful in taking out Italy from the Axis powers, however leftover Axis fighters were difficult to deal with, and the invasion left the Allies having to supply their conquered territory.
  • Normandy Beach Landings - Operation Overlord - Atlantic

    Normandy Beach Landings - Operation Overlord - Atlantic
    There were five beach landings in Normandy, of which America had two, codenamed Utah and Omaha. Omaha was one of the worst landings in history. A significant amount of the Duplex Drive tanks sent on Omaha sank as they were too far away from the beach. However, Operation Overlord was a success.
  • Operation Market Garden - Atlantic

    Operation Market Garden - Atlantic
    Operation Market Garden was an attempt to secure strategic bridges, including a bridge over the Nederrijn. This was in attempt to set a strong invasion route into Germany, but the operation was a failure. However, Operation Market Garden did have some success in secondary objectives such as capturing cities and towns.
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf - Pacific

    Battle of Leyte Gulf - Pacific
    The Battle of Leyte Gulf was the last naval battle to utilize battleships in active combat, and was considered to be the largest naval battle in history. This battle saw the introduction of Japanese kamikaze attacks. The Battle of Leyte Gulf was an Allied Victory.
  • Battle of the Bulge - Pacific

    Battle of the Bulge - Pacific
    The last major German offensive of the Western Front. The Battle of the Bulge had almost 90,000 Allied casualties. However, the Allies won.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima - Pacific

    Battle of Iwo Jima - Pacific
    Iwo Jima was a Japanese Island that had considerable casualties on both sides, with the Allied casualties exceeding 26,000 men, which was more than the Japanese casualties. Despite this, America and the Allies took over Iwo Jima.
  • Battle of Okinawa - Pacific

    Battle of Okinawa - Pacific
    The Battle of Okinawa was a bloody conflict. The United States Marines, Army, and Navy had a total of 51,429 casualties. However, the United States won the conflict and dealt a massive blow to Japan.
  • Spring Offensive in Italy - Atlantic

    Spring Offensive in Italy - Atlantic
    The Spring Offensive within Italy was the last major battle with the non-Japanese Axis powers, considering that the offensive lasted until May 2nd, 1945. Benito Mussolini died, and news of Adolf Hitler's death came about too in the aftermath of the offensive.
  • Battle of Nuremberg - Atlantic

    Battle of Nuremberg - Atlantic
    The Battle of Nuremberg was one of the most intensive urban battles in WWII. The Nazis were attempting to defend the town, but the Allies eventually won. Ended April 20th, 1945.