The Tuskegee Experiment

  • The Experiment Begins

    The experiment gained support.
  • A different approach

    New treatment begins using forms of mercury and bismuth. The cure rate reaches a meager 30 percent and the side effects are toxic.
  • New beginning

    A new study began with 399 men who had syphilis and 201 that didn't. They were given assessments and were told that they were being treated even though in reality they weren't.
  • Controversy

    A paper was published criticizing the experiment because it was unknown if the subjects were receiving treatment or not. Some physicians assisted to help the study and not treat the men.
  • More lies

    The USPHS established rapid treatment centers to treat those contracted with syphilis. Even though the men are not treated, syphilis declines.
  • The end

    A news article released in 1972 condemns the study and the experiment comes to an end.