Jan 1, 1000
1 jan 1000, wedding of king pelius and Thetis
When Pelius murders his half-brother his father purifies him and marries the kings daughter he eventually becomes king of pithia -
Jan 2, 1000
2 jan 1000, paris chooses aphrodite
aphrodite tells paris that if he chooses her she will give him the most beautifull woman and provides him with helen when he chooses her -
Jan 4, 1000
4 jan 1000, Menalus Finds out about Helen
when menalus returned he found out the helen has been taken -
Jan 7, 1000
7 jan 1000, The Trojan War
the Trojans fought the greeks -
Jan 8, 1000
8 jan 1000, The Trojan Horse
odyseus built a large horse with the inside hallow to hide his soldiers inside -
Jan 9, 1000
after the war
after the war menalaus took back helen