1194 BCE
The Judgment of Paris
Paris a Trojan prince, judges a beauty contest between three goddesses and chooses Aphrodite who promises him Helens love. This leads to Helen being taken to Troy. -
1194 BCE
Helen is Taken to Troy
Paris takes Helen from her husband Menelaus, which causes the Greek leaders to unite and go to war to get her back. -
1194 BCE
The Greek Army Assembles
Menelaus and Agamemnon, with other Greek leaders like Achilles and Odysseus, gather an army to sail to Troy. These army's were huge in population. -
1194 BCE
The Greek Fleet Sets Sail
The Greek army sets sail for Troy but bad weather delays them. To fix this Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia. -
1193 BCE
Achilles Withdraws from Battle
Achilles withdraws from fighting after Agamemnon takes his prize Briseis causing a major rift. This weakens the Greek forces and allows the Trojans to push back. -
1193 BCE
The Death of Patroclus
Patroclus, Achilles friend enters the battle wearing Achilles armor to rally the Greeks. He is killed by Hector, which leads Achilles to return to the war. -
1193 BCE
Achilles Kills Hector
Achilles faces Hector in single combat and kills him in revenge for Patroclus death. He dishonors Hectors body by dragging it around Troy. -
1192 BCE
The Fall of Troy
The Greeks use the Trojan Horse to infiltrate and destroy the city of Troy. The war ends with the Greeks victorious and the Trojans defeated. -
1192 BCE
The Trojan Horse
The Greeks build a large wooden horse and hide soldiers inside leaving it as a gift for the Trojans. The Trojans bring it into the city and the Greeks emerge to destroy Troy from within. -
1192 BCE
The Aftermath and Escape of Aeneas
After Troy falls Aeneas, a Trojan prince escapes with a group of survivors. He eventually travels to Italy where his descendants become the founders of Rome.