The Transcontinental Railroad

  • Transcontinental Railroad is proposed

    Transcontinental Railroad is proposed
    Asa Whitney proposes the railroad and it is taken to congress.
  • Bai Mei Yan arrives in the US

    After having her small town in China destroyed by the Second Opium War, Bai Mei Yan moves to the United States with her husband.
  • John Johnson discovers oil

    John Johnson discovers oil throughout 1859, gaining him lots of money, which he will eventually use to fund the transcontinental railroad.
  • Railroad is authorized

    Railroad is authorized
    The Pacific Railroad Bill is signed, authorizing the first transcontinental railroad.
  • Railroad breaks ground in the central pacific

    Railroad breaks ground in the central pacific
    In Sacramento, California the central pacific side breaks ground.
  • Shen Dian fu arrives in the US

    In spite of his family ignoring him, Shen Dian fu moves to the United States for fame and fortune from Taishan.
  • Shen Dian fu is shot at

    While panning for gold in California, Shen Dian fu is shot at for being Chinese and a millennial.
  • Railroad breaks ground in the Union Pacific

    Railroad breaks ground in the Union Pacific
    In Omaha, Nebraska, the railroad breaks ground on the Union Pacific side.
  • The railroad is successful for John Johnson

    John Johnson commissions the first American transcontinental railroad and by this time, it is progressing well.
  • Chinese begin to work on the railroad

    Chinese begin to work on the railroad
    Chinese migrated to the United States during the California Gold Rush and continued coming in search of money. The railroad is not progressing fast enough, so Chinese are hired to work on the railroad for less pay and more hours than white people.
  • Gong Bao Rong moves to the US

    Gong Bao Rong moves to the United States from KaiPing seeking new opportunities.
  • The group begins their work on the railroad

    The group begins their work on the railroad
    Bai Mei Yan follows her husband as a cook while he works on the railroad. Gong Bao Rong is looking for a job and is hired on the railroad. Shen Dian fu is unsuccessful with finding gold and choses to work on the railroad instead.
  • Shen Dian fu becomes gang leader

    Shen Dian fu was close friends with his gang leader, until the man died, causing Shen Dian fu to become the new gang leader.
  • The group joins a gang

    After a hard week of work on the railroad, the group goes to the pub (separately) and they all meet one another. They hit it off so well that Shen Dian fu invited the group to join his gang. They all accept and begin to work with each other on the railroad.
  • Bai Mei Yan is kidnapped by Native Americans

    The Apache Indians kidnap Bai Mei Yan and eventually scalp her for being a Chinese woman.
  • Chinese go on strike

    Chinese go on strike
    Chinese railroad workers stop working on the Sierra tunnels to strike for better hours and wages. The strike is unsuccessful and they return after a week with the same wages.
  • Shen Dian Fu is killed

    Shen Dian fu worked successfully on the railroad with Gong Bao Rong and Bai Mei Yan's husband for a couple of years. One day while working, he is shot by Ben Thompson, a historic gunman and gambler, for being Chinese.
  • Railroad is finished

    Railroad is finished
    The Golden Spike (final spike) is placed in Promontory Summit, Utah.