The Trail Of Death

By Kwebb20
  • The act that was signed for the Indian Removal Act

    President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian removal act.
  • The law with the Indian service

    The law of the Indians was in the minds.
  • War with Indians

    The Sauks and the Fox Indian tribes fought.
  • When the trail of death started

    When the trail of death started
    The trail of death had started.
  • The invasion

    The invasion
    The Indians start to be kicked off the land. They were forced to leave and not to come back.
  • The Mississippi river crossing

    The Mississippi river crossing
    The Potawatomi had crossed the Mississippi river.
  • The trail of death continues

    The trail of death continues
    This is the exodus to Kansas. Then this became the Potawatomi trail of death and then it began with more than 850 Potawatomi under aremd ground.
  • The miles the Potawatomi walked

    The miles the Potawatomi walked
    The Pofawatomi had walked around 660 miles in two months.