The Torturer Timeline

By Sotired
  • 1391

    Anti-Semitic Riots

    riots across spain break out targeting jews, this type of violence is called a pogrom
  • 1420

    Torequemada's Birth

    Torequemada is born around valladoid
  • 1452


    torquemada becomes head of santa cruz monestary
  • 1457

    Isabella tutored

    the future queen of spain falls under the tutelage of torquemada
  • 1469


    Ferdinand and isabella marry, signaling a shift in power in spain and the first seeds of a united nation
  • 1474


    Isabella crowned as queen of castille alongside ferdinand
  • 1477

    moving the court

    Isabella orders her court to move to seville, and is then the subject of an influence campaign by prominent anti jewish preachers
  • 1478

    The Inquisition Arrives

    Pope sixtus gives spain it's very own inquistition to have fun with
  • 1479


    Ferdinand appointed the leader of aragon, further seating the royal couple into power
  • 1480


    The inquisition begins with torquemada at it's head
  • 1482

    Pope Ignored

    Due to the pleas of several influential jews, the pope orders the inquisition to rein itself in, it, unsuprisingly, does not
  • 1483

    Grand Inquisitor

    Torquemada becomes spain's first grand inquisitor, which basically grants him unprecedented control over the entirety of the inquisition in spain
  • 1485


    Leaders in aragon try to resist the inquisition, but after making a fatal error and martyring an inquisitor, it quickly falls under the boot of the religious establishment
  • 1492

    Surrender and Genocide

    With the surrender of grenada and the end of muslim rule in spain, the crown no longer needs the financial recources of the jews within it's borders and as such gives in to torquemada's requests to eject them all and do an ethnic cleansing
  • 1498


    Torquemada dies and presumably goes to hell