The timeline of WWI and Rex Bixby

  • before the war

    When WWI started Rex V Bixby spent two years in the National Guard
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was one of the key events that led to World War I. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were assassinated on 28 June 1914. The assassination led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia and the start of World War I.
  • First battle of marne

    First battle of marne
    30 miles northeast of Paris, the French 6th Army under the command of General Michel-Joseph Manoury attacks the right flank of the German 1st Army, beginning the First Battle of the Marne at the end of the first month of World War I.150,000 soldiers of Manoury’s 6th Army attacked the right flank of the German 1st Army
  • The battle of verdun

    The battle of verdun
    Germany hoped to avoid fighting on two fronts by taking out France before turning to Russia, France’s ally. The German offensive had some early success.
  • what he was in the war

    He was in the 134th Infantry Regiment School of Military Aeronautics in 1917
  • where Rex V. Bixby started

    Rex V. Bixby spent two years in the Army National Guard before he enlisted in the regular Army in 1917.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge
    The Canadian Corps was to capture the German-held high ground of Vimy Ridge, a cliff on the northern flank of the Arras front. This would protect the First Army and the Third Army farther south from German enfilade fire. Supported by a creeping barrage, the Canadian Corps captured most of the ridge during the first day. The village of Thélus fell on the second day.
  • The battle of Jerusalem

    occurred during the British Empire's "Jerusalem Operations" against the Ottoman Empire, in World War I, when fighting for the city developed from 17 November, continuing after the surrender until 30 December 1917.
  • schooling

    He then transferred to the School of Military Aeronautics in Texas in 1918 for pilot training.
  • injury

    He was injured in a crash and one of his fellow pilots was killed during a training mission. when a student froze at the controls.
  • scrapbooks

    Using a scrapbook was a way to keep him busy all the time. He assembled scrapbooks by using cutouts from the daily newspaper.
  • more about the scrapbook

    more about the scrapbook
    His scrapbook is also filled with early aviation shots and rare aerial photos of his group flying in formation.