Dec 23, 802
Khmer empire was formed. Jayavarman II became ruler claimed title of God-king (devaraja) marking the beginning of the Khmer Empire.
Dec 23, 900
New capital city of Angkor
Yasovarman 1 established new capital-first city of Angkor and named it after himself, Yasodharapura. -
Dec 23, 1122
Angkor Wat's construction commences...
Construction of Angkor Wat started by Suryavarman II after he kills his uncle to claim the throne. The temple was in devotion of lord Vishnu. -
Dec 23, 1145
War between the Khmers and the Chams.
Khmer took control of Cham’s capital, Vijaya. -
Dec 23, 1177
The Cham attack back...
Angkor, capital of Khmer, looted by Chams. -
Period: Dec 23, 1181 to Dec 24, 1219
Reign of Jayavarman VII, Khmer’s greatest king.
Jayavarman VII was famous for building over 100 hospitals, 101 rest houses and more than 20,000 temples and religious shrines. -
Period: Dec 23, 1200 to Dec 23, 1400
Thai migration...
During the reign of Jayavarman VIII, he announced that all Buddhist temples and images to be destroyed and Hinduism to become main religion. Due to this the Thais migrated. Although later Buddhism became a predominant religion too. -
Dec 23, 1300
Buddhism becomes a prevailing religion...
After Buddhism spreading from India it became very prevalent. The kings did not see it as a threat to their rule and so it was tolerated. -
Dec 23, 1431
Attack on Angkor from the Thais
Ayutthaya (Thai kingdom) attacks Angkor and the Khmers abandon Angkor and it was forgotten. -
End of Khmer Empire :(
Siamese (Thai) king attacks and defeats Khmer king, marking end of the empire.