Period: to
redwood logging history
The Discovery of Gold in the Trinity Region
The gold rush in the trinity Region brings thousands of immigrants to Humboldt County. Most of them buy Redwood lumber to build houses, causing the sale of Redwood Lumber to increase dramatically. -
Humboldt Bay Discovery
The Laura Virginia, captained by Douglas Ottinger, finds the entrance to Humboldt Bay. Founders christen the Bay “Humboldt” after the popular naturalist and author Baron Alexander von Humboldt. (this leads to the discovery of the Redwood trees) The founding of Humboldt City, and the towns of Union (now Arcata) and Eureka soon followed. -
The Age of Industrial Logging
Industrial logging era begins, transforming the area around the Redwoods into a thriving civilization. -
Lumber Grants Success
first "really successful mill in the county is established by James T. Ryan and James Duff." -
Approximately 2,500,000,000 ft of Lumber Milling in Humboldt
from 1855 to 1888, about 2,500,000,000 feet of lumber is being milled, a value of around 40,000,000 dollars. -
Nine Saw Mills are Producing Lumber In Humboldt
in 1857, nine saw mills are open in total, which produces two million feet of lumber monthly. -
Humboldt is Among the Best
By 1860 Humboldt is the second ranking California county in production of lumber, sawing 30,000,000 feet per year. In Humboldt the principal lumber sawed is redwood, spruce, and fir, and small quantities of cedar. -
Ryan & Duff Down in Flames
one of the most successful mills in is Humboldt destroyed by a fire -
Railroads are starting to transport redwood trees instead of the traditional ox and sled. This speeds up the proccess of transporting trees from the forest to the mills, Railroad tracks themselves needed a significant amount of redwood for strong beams and tracks.