the timeline

  • Immigration

    imigratin was i big scare in the 1920 becuse most of americans ere imagrents and americans were scared that imigrants will spread around communissome
  • Harlem renaissance

    Harlem renaissance
    this was when jazz was becoming more popular and African Americans were richer.
  • flappers

    it was a cloths trend for girls in the 1920s
  • k.k.k

    the k.k.k came back in the 1920s to atack jewish people and other imimgrants
  • the red scare

    the red scare
    the red scare is when Americans were scared of communism spreading threw immigrants.
  • fads

    in the 1920s there were many fads like cars, clothes and baseball.
  • speak easys

    speak easys
    speak easy was a ilegal saloon in 1920s suring the prohibition.
  • Henry ford chain production

    Henry ford chain production
    it happend in the 1920s when henery ford made cars cheaper and made the cars faster.
  • prohibition

    the prohibition was when America made alcohol illegal to sell or own.
  • stock market crash

    stock market crash
    the stock market crashed