The disappeared colony
When John white came back his colony, called Roanoke, was gone. No one was there. Only burned tree's, treasure boxes opened. Somehow the treasured boxed opened was a sign to him meaning that someone help them escape from the danger maybe. He was going to go find them but, the storm blocked him from getting to them. So he went somewhere in the new world. So no one know's what happen to them. So It's shall still just be a mystery to us forever!!! -
The tobacco trade in america
In James Town in Virginia a businessmen where trying to make more money. So they tried to find gold but, didn't find anything. A few day's later there was Spanish men introduce them to tobacco. They used it for "drinking smoke" they us it to smoke it wasn't healthy but, it was popular in England. King Jame's 1 thought it was hateful for the nose, harmful for the brain, dangerous for the lunge's. So that's how it smoke came, and how it wasn't healthy. -
Pocahontas saves Captain Smith
It was one of the days when Jame's Town running out of food and people got sick. So Captain smith and some men went out looking for food and then got captured by some Indians. They were taken to Chief Powhatan home. Captain Smith was about to be executed but, Pocahontas Chief Powhatan's daughter, saved him was that she threw herself over him and demanded peace to them all. So after that they had peace with the Indians. -
William Bradford established and was governor of the Plymouth Colony
William Bradford (who I am a direct descendant of) arrived in Massachusetts in 1620. He sailed on the Mayflower. He was the governor of Plymouth for its first 30 years. -
New England Colony
These time they were sailing to the New World. On bored was Separatists or Pilgrim's. They came to this world for religious freedom. To build a new England church because back at England old church they didn't follow the scriptures and they were mad because of that. They settle close to Jamestown but, they didn't because of the storm hit so they had to get off course and was landed in the Plymouth Rock they called it. So they settled there and made a new town. -
New Hampshire colony
New Hampshire was settled in 1622 when John Mason and Fernando Gorges were given a land grant by the Council of New England. Three years after the pilgrim's landed, the first settlers went to Portsmouth. They were fishermen. In 1641, the Massachusetts colony claimed New Hampshire and renamed it the Upper Province of Massachusetts. But in 1741, New Hampshire was independent again. -
Maryland settled
In 1632, the English crown gave land to Ceclilius Calvert, the second Lord Baltimore. He named his land Maryland, after the Queen. It was very similar to Virginia. And was known for its religious tolerance for all. -
Charles Town settled
Although it had already been settled first by the spanish and then the french, in 1663, Charles II granted rights to 8 "Lords Proprietor." In 1670, the lords settled Charles Town. Ten years later, they had kicked out the spanish people. -
New York settled
King Charles II gave the land between New England and Virginia to his brother James, the Duke of York, in 1664.The land was already occupied by Dutch traders. The Duke of York renamed New Netherlands, New York. Most of the settlers stayed there. It was a very diverse colony. -
How Pennsylvania was named
William Penn was a Quaker. He went in jail a couple of times. After he got out of jail he tried think of a plan. King Charles the third gave him land because the king owed Penn's father a lot of money. So he named the land after his father.