The Thirty Years War by Vladimir Turkedjiev and Lachezar Dimitrov

  • Sep 25, 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg

    The Peace of Augsburg
    This peace is the first legal acknowledgment of Lutheranis and Catholicism in Germany. Another decision that was taken wa that it was forbidden to begin a war based on religious grounds.
  • Period: Apr 17, 1573 to

    Maximilian I of Bavaria

    Source Maximilian l is a duke and elector of Bavaria. He conquered upper Austria and Bohemia. His army also won the Battle of Whie Mountain
  • Period: Apr 12, 1577 to

    King Christian lV of Denmark

    Christian lV is the ing of Denmark and Norway. He led his side into the 30 years war. He also promoted trade and shipping.
  • Period: Jul 9, 1578 to

    Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia

    Ferdinand was the king of Bohemia but managed to upset the people of Bohemia. This upset was due to his rutlessness with policies of hard Catholicism and centralisation.
  • Period: to

    King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden

    King Gustavus
    -he had purely political motivations
    -economic imperialist
    -great tactician
  • Period: to

    The Bohemian Period

    Ferdinand, a member of the Hapsburg family, was elected to be the Bohemian king. This alerted the Calvanists which were afraid of loosing their religious rights, so they rebelled. In that way the Defenestration of Prague was caused. Ater that the Holy Roman Empire won the Battle of White Mountain, which gave Ferdinand ll the oppurtunity to get the throne of Bohemia. The Bohemian period ended with a Catholic and Hapsburg
  • Defenestration of Prague

    This event is one of the main factors for the start of the thirty years war. The conflict was between Protestants and Catholics because Catholic officials in Bohemia closed Protestant churches, Those churches were property of the people in the cities of Broumov and Hrob.
  • Battle of White Mountain

    Battle of White Mountain
    The battle was foght in Bohemia. The Roman Catholic Habsburgs won over the Protestant Union. The Protestant Union was ana alliance between the Protestant sttes in Germany.
  • Period: to

    Philip IV of Spain

    Philip IV of Spain
    - followed his father Philip III
    - took advantage of the war to resume hostilities against Netherlands and try to re-establish the power of Spian in Europe
    - had few victories, but began open war with France in 1635
  • Period: to

    Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII

    Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII
    - chief minister, considered to be one of the greatest politicians in French History
    - only worthy substitute of the previous Chief Minister Luynes
  • Period: to

    The Danish Period

    The Danish period began with the feud between Christian lV who supported the Protestants in 1625 against Ferdinand ll. Christian was defeated in 1625 and lost control of Holstein. Fredriech V, a calvanist, took control of Prague. In 1629 the Treaty of Lubeck restored Christian's control over Holstein. That means that the Danish period, simmilarlry to the Danish Period ended with Hapsburg and Catholic victory
  • Treaty of Lubeck

    The Danish War
    After Christian lV lost to Wallenstein's army, the winners didn' want to provoke Gustavus of Sweden. That is why they signed a treaty. The treaty of Lubeck states that the people Denmark will be able to keep their possesions and the state of Holstein. Also Christian was made to give up his claims on the north German bishoprics an eadership of the Lower Saxon Circle.
  • Period: to

    The Swedish Period

    • Catholic victories increase the power of German princes and Hapsburgs
    • King Gustavus of Sweden invades Germany and signs alliance with France
    • conflict grew from religios to political, affecting all of Europe
    • the Swedish dominate over the Wallenstein's army but lose Gustavus Adolphus
    • Wallenstein is assasinated and the emperor's army defets the Swedish in Northern Germany
  • Battle of Lutzen

    Battle of Lutzen
    - while traveling towards Leipzeig, Albrecht von Wallenstein decides to split his army because of the weather
    - King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden leads his Protestant army towards Rippach, where they find a small part of von Wallenstein's army( easily defeated) - then King Gustavus manages to reach von Wallenstein's main army and achieve an overall victory
  • The Treaty of Prague

    The treaty of Prague
    - ends the Austro- Prussian War and weakens the Germanic princes
    - Venetia was parted from Austria and given to Italy
    - Habsburgs excluded from Germany, leaving the power to the Kigndom of Prussia
  • Period: to

    The French Period

    • the treaty of Prague was broken by French decision to begin open war
    • the French wanted to take over Alasce and deacrease the power of th Hapsburgs
    • France is victorious over Spain
    • French armies invaded Germany, deacreasing its strength and killing the Holy Roman Emperor
    • peace negotiations begin in 1641
  • The Peace of Westphalia

    THe Peace of Westphalia
    - puts an end to the 30 years war
    - involved roughly 194 states
    - leads to Swiss independence of Austria and Netherlands independence of Spain
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees

    [Treaty of Pyrenees](http:///
    - Roussillon and Artois and a line of strongholds given to France
    - Alsace and Lorraine officially considered French
    - Catalonia restored to Spian
    - marrige between Louis XIV and the Spanish infanta Maria Teresa de Austria ( sign of peace)