Sep 25, 1555
The Peace of Augsburg
sourceBoth the Lutheranism and Catholicism were legalized. People could choose by themself, which religion they would like to practice, and they were free to move according to it.All other religions were not allowed -
Period: to
King Christian IV of Denmark
SourceHe became king of Denmark in 1588, when his father Frederick II, died.His rulling didn't end well and everyone had turned against him bcause he had to sign the peace of August. -
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Maximilian I of Bavaria
SourceMaximilian I, who was with a very strict Jesuit education, became the duke of Bavaria in 1957 because he got the throne from his father. -
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Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII
SourceKing Louis XII ruled France from 1610 to 1623. He inherited the throne when he was only 9 years old and helped the French nobility during the Thirty Years War. -
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King Gustavus Adolfus of Sweden
SourceHe was the King of Sweden from 1611 to 1632 and is known as the founder of Sweden as a great power. He supported the swedish army through the Thirty Years War and managed to balance the politiical and religious power of Europe. -
Period: to
Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia
SourceFerdinand of Styria, or Ferdinand II was recognized as the king of Bohemia by the Bohemian Diet in 1617. However, in 1619 he was changed by Frederick V becasue of the Protestant diet. Then, in 1620 he defeated the army on the White mountain and Catholicized Bohemia. -
Period: to
The Bohemian Period
A revolt that began in Prague when two officers were harmed by protestant members. -
Defenestrations of Prague
This was an event that happened in 1618, which contributed to the histroy of Bohemia. Defenestration means that someone has pushed someone from a window and this caused many problems and conflicts in Bohemia. -
Battle of White Mountain
This was a battle fough between the Bohemian and Ferdinand II. This marked the end of the Bohemian period. -
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Philip IV of Spain
SourceHe was the ruler of Spain and Portugal from 1621 to 1640. He is known for his passion towards arts and ruling during the Thirty Years War. -
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The Danish Period
The Danish period started when Bohemia was defeated. Christian IV, who was king of Denmark and protestant, had to fight against Ferdinant. Christian was defeated because Ferdinand was helped and he had to sign the treaty of Lubeck.Moreover the Edict of Restitution was issued and the Protestants had to give all of their posessions to the CAtholic Church. -
Treaty of Lubeck
sourceThis treaty was signed when Christian IV was defeated by Ferdinand II.Restored the pre war territory of Denmark -
Period: to
The Swedish Period
Swedish Period
The Swedish Period is the time when king Gustavus Adolphus ebtered the Thirty Years War. He did it because he was supporting the Protestant cause and because he was afraid of Emperor Ferdinant. -
Battle of Lutzen
Battle of Lutzen
Albrecht von Wallenstein wanted to move his army ti Leipzig because he thought that this was the last possible time to do this. -
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The French Period
The French Period
Cardinal Richelieu wanted to decrease the power of Hapsburgs and take over some Roman territory. -
The Treaty of Prague
Peace of Prague
It was a peace contract between the Habsburg Emperor Ferdinand II and the Electorate of Saxony.It marked the end of the civil war during the Thirty Years War. -
The Peace of Wesrphalia
It was a peace contract that ended both the Thirty and the Eighty Years War -
Treaty of the Pyrenees
It is a peace contract signed between France and Spain, written during the Thirty Years War.