Sep 25, 1555
The Peace of Augsburg
SourceThe Peace of Augsburg was the turning point between the Protestnat Reformation in Germany and the era of negotation. The most important consequence of the peace was "the Religious Peace". The Religious Peace accepted the religious diversity. -
Period: Jul 9, 1578 to
Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia
SourceFerdinand of Styria was born in Graz who was educated in the University of Ingolstadt. He was educated by a Jesuits and their main goal was to make him really strong and powerful Catholic leader. In 1618 he was elected as a king of Hungary. -
Period: to
King Christian IV of Denmark
SourceKing Christian IV, who was king of Denmark and Norway, led two unsuccessful wars against Sweden. Because of the war against Sweden he involved his country into the Thirty Years War. He also promoted trading and shipping. -
Period: to
Maximilian I of Bavaria
SourceLike Ferdinand, Maximilian I was educated by Jesuits and in 1597 he becomes the duke of Bavaria. He was really important because he revised the law code, made really powerful army and stricted the control over lands and the Church. -
Period: to
Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII
SourceWhen King Louis XIII was ruling he made France one of the major leading countries in Europe. His health was one of the things that interfiers him from ruling without any compromise. In 1642 he won the war against the Spaniards which made him the most respectable ruler in Europe. -
Period: to
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
Gustavus Adolphus was the person who laid the main foundations of today's Sweden and made it really powerful. At th age of 17 he gain most of the power of the government. -
Defenestration of Prague
SourceThe Defenestration of Prague marked the beggining of the Thirty Years War. In 23rd of May 1618 two imperial regents which names were William Slavata and Jaroslav Martinic were guily for violating the letter of Majesty. This lead to throwing them out of the window of the council room of the Prague Castle. -
Period: to
The Bohemian Period
SourceThe Bohemian period started when two royal officers were hurled by the Protestants. This event was called Defenestration of Prague. This period has a lot of revolts. In 1620 Maximilian I who was from Bavaria and the Catholic League defeated the Bohemians. -
Battle of White Mountain
SourceThe battle was fought near Prague which was in Bohemia. This battle was the success of the Habsburgs over the Protestant union. The consequences of the victory were humongous. The Hapsburgs were allowed to replace the old government with a new one. -
Period: to
Philip IV of Spain
SourcePhilip IV was a leader of both Spain and Portugal during the decline of Spain as a power. When he became king of Spain the country was decliding. Also Philip IV was characterized as a pawn of the noblemen. -
Period: to
The Danish Period
SourceThe Danish period started right after the Bohemian period. In this perid the people realized that they were facing a huge problem. The King of Denmark who was helped by several countries attacked the Ferdinand's forces which were located in Saxony. In 1629 the Denmark's king signed the Treaty of Lubeck which means that he will go away from Saxony. -
Treaty of Lubeck
SourceThe Treaty of Lubeck allowed Denmark to keep the state of Holstein. Also the treaty had to formalize the withdraw of the war. -
Period: to
The Swedish Period
SourceGustavus Adolphus who was known as the "the Lion to the North" started a war because of two reasons. His first one was that he believed into the Protestant cause and the second one is that he was worried that Ferdinand will take most of the power. In 1635 the army of Sweden proceeded but the army was killed in the battle of Nordlingen aand this ends the period. -
Battle of Lutzen
SourceIn the Battle of Lutzen the leader of Sweden who was Gustavus II Adolphus died. The Swedish army and the German one were fighting against the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II. -
Period: to
The French Period
SourceFrom 1635 to 1648 the war had political character. The ruler of France which was Cardinal Richelieu wanted to stop the growth of power of Hapsburg. That's why in 1635 with the Swedish army he went to Germany in order to stop the increasing power. However they were defeated which gave new hope to the Protestants. -
The Treaty of Prague
SourceThe Treaty ended the the Austro-Prussian War and also weakened the power of the German Princesses. After this treaty the Prussian empire was the major power in today's Germany. -
The Peace of Westphalia
SourceThe Peace of Westphalia were treaties which were signed between May and October. These treaties ended the Thirty Years War in the Holy Roman Empire. -
Treaty of the Pyrenees
SourceThe Treaty of the Pyrenees was a piece treaty that ended the fight between the Louis XIV and Philip IV which ended the Franco-Spanish War.