Peace of Augsburg
peace of augsburg which allowed for rulers of territories within the holy roman empire to choose its own religion denomination was catholicism or lutheranism. -
Period: 1555 to
The Thirty Years' War
Bohemia is in revolt
Bohemia forms an important part of the holy roman empire and had since the protestant reformation moved away from catholism, much of this was thanks to their prior rulers such as Matthias. Matthias did not have any children so he appointed a heir Ferdinand Habsburgo of Styria the Archduke of Austria who succeeded him as King of Bohemia in 1617 -
Frederick of Palatinate was crowned
The leader of the Bohemian rebels was Heinrich Cerne who reached out to Frederick of Palatinate who in 1619 was crowned as King of bohemia.
Bohemia was reaching out to other major protestant powers like England, Sweden and Denmark Norway but they were very cautious and didn’t approve of Frederick’s actions. The King of Denmark Christian IV the fourth asking him “Who advised you to drive out kings and kingdoms?” -
Ferdinand Habsburg was made emperor
In the same year Ferdinand was made Holy Roman Emperor and even managed to march on Vienna but it was to no avail. -
The White mountain
The bohemian revolt was crushed at the decisive battle of the White mountain with the imperial forces being led by Johann Tserclaes the count of Tilly as a result the bohemian leadership fled, Transylvania made peace which left the palatinates as the only major resisting state, resistance continued. -
The protestant forces
It was conquered and the majority of the protestant forces were pushed out of the Empire the next year, sporadic fighting continued but was crushed. -
Christian's intervention went poorly and he was subject to continous defeats at the hands of both chilean and palatinates and he was pushed back into Denmark. -
The Bohemian Phase
Thus ending the first phase of the war called the Bohemian Phase there was however now a parallel war running between Spain and the netherlands who had resumed the eighty years war it seemed that this would be the end of the conflicto, but King Christian who also held lands in the Empire was concerned the protestants would be persecuted severely. Tilly and another Habsburg general: Albrecht Von Wallenstein this began the second phase of this war The Danish Phase. -
The Treaty of Lloyd Beck
Christian IV signed the treaty of Lloyd Beck which allowed him to keep his territories, on the condition that he stayed out of the affairs of the Empire. The problem still remained that the protestant domains of Europe were concerned about a powerful Catholic Empire neighboring them the mantle of defending protestants fell to the swedish King Gustav II who finished the war of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth decided to intervene. -
The Swedish Phase
Tilly was left as the best commander available.
Swedish forces landed in Pomerania which was itself protestant and currently fighting the Emperor this began the third stage of the war The Swedish Phase.
The leader of saxony John George I wanted to remain neutral.
Tilly fearing a saxon swedish Alliance invaded saxony, forcing John George I to join Gustav out of desperation. -
Brighton Felled
Combined forces of Swedish and Saxony met Tilly, to be know as the most famous battle of the war the battle of Brighton Felled. -
The battle of rain
Was another swedish victory in which tilly died.
Gustav marched his army through massive waves of imperial territory, but had to prevent them from outmaneuvering him. The two met at the battle of Lützen which was a Swedish victory. -
The battle of Nördlingen
Von Wallenstein was assassinated on the orders of the emperor.
In the battle of nördlingen the swedish were obliterated by the spanish who were commanded by cardinal Infante Ferdinand. -
The peace of Prague
The signing of the peace of Prague which saw Saxony, Brandenburg and the other protestant states in the holy Roman Empire make peace leaving only sweden against the emperor in spain.
France led by King Louis XIII and under the advice of cardinal Richelieu believed that the peace of Prague made the Habsburgs too powerful so the french declared war on spain. -
The French Phase
The French declared war in the holy roman empire. -
Emperor Ferdinand II died
Emperor Ferdinand II died and was suceeded by his son Ferdinand III -
The war was still waging fiercely.
Catalonia had declared itself a principality under the rule of Louis XIII. -
The second battle of Breitenfeld failed. -
Cardinal Richelieu died
Louis XIII died
Leaving france under his son and wife Anne of Austria. -
The french won Rocroi
Attempt to make peace
Attempts to make peace were stepped up by both sides because this war had been raging for twenty-eight years. -
Osnabrück and Münster
The negotiations were held over several years in the cities of Osnabrück and Münster. -
The Peace of Münster
The netherlands and Spain signed the peace of Münster -
The negotiating of Hapsburg was weakened in late 1648 when the french won the battle of Lens. -
The Peace of Westphalia
The Treaty of Münster and the treaty of Osnabrück collectively are known as the Peace of Westphalia. -
History Matters. (30 september, 2018). Ten Minute History - The Thirty Years' War (Short Documentary) [video]. YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBLVzdvp8qE&t=214s