
The Thirteen Colonies

  • Jamestown, VA

    Jamestown, VA
    The 1st English settlement founded by John Smith and London Company. They settled there for gold and economic reasons.
  • New Hampshire Colony

    New Hampshire Colony
    Captain John Mason founded New Hampshire and wanted the colony to be a fishing colony. Some New Hampshire people made a living by trading furs and fishing.
  • New York colony

    New York colony
    The Dutch had already established a settlement called the New Netherlands and Henry Hudson claimed this land for the Dutch. England took over the New Netherlands and it became New York City. New York was and still is known for its diversity and tolerance.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Founded by John Witherem and a group of Puritans. Since so many people moved in this time its become known as the great migration.
  • Maryland Colony

    Maryland Colony
    Lord Baltimore founded Maryland and named it after his wife Mary. Colonists got religious freedom through the Toleration Act.
  • Connecticut Colony

    Connecticut Colony
    Thomas Hooker founded Connecticut and wrote the Fundill Menters of Connecticut. They made a living by fishing, whaling and farming.
  • New Jersey Colony

    New Jersey Colony
    New Jersey began as a part of the New York Colony. New Jersey encouraged people to settle there by writing the Concession, an agreement which was a document of clue's or laws.
  • Pennsylvania Colony

    Pennsylvania Colony
    William Penn founded Pennsylvania. King Charles 2 owed Williams father money. Pennslyvania means penns woods.
  • Georgia Colony

    Georgia Colony
    Ogle Thorpe founded Georgia. The King wanted a buffer between Florida and money making colonies. People did not pay their debt and so they were sent to Georgia.
  • South Carolina Colony

    South Carolina Colony
    Lord Proprietors established the Carolinas. Some of their cash crops in the Carolinas was cotten and tabbaco. Some pirates chose to live in North Carolina because of all the taxes.