The Thirteen Colonies

  • Period: to


    a hard times of settling in the new world
  • Settlement Of Roanoke

    Settlement Of Roanoke
    The settlement of Roanoke was supposed to be the first settlement in the New World, but it didn't survive because it couldn't be supplied due to the war with the Spanards and the English.
    Cause - Sir Walter Religh asked the queen for a charter to colonization of the area of North America. He wanted to send people to the New World to have a permanent colony. That colony would be supplied every year by England.

    Effect - We still do not know what happened today to the lost Roanoke colony.
  • John White returns to Roanoak

    John White returns to Roanoak
    Cause - After helping establish the first English settlement on the Island of Roanoke, off the coast of modern day North Carolina, John White reluctantly returned to England for supplies. Delayed by war for three years, he returns in 1590 to find the colonists are gone.
    Effect - It is still not known what happened to them.
  • Settlement Of Jamestown

    Settlement Of Jamestown
    The Settlement of Jamestown was the first successful permanent settlement in the New World.
    Cause - Brittan wanted to create a permanent colony in the New World. Named for King James I of England, Jamestown was founded in the Colony of Virginia.
    Effect - It was the first successful colony in the New World.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacare was an incident that happened between civilians of Boston and the British Army.
    Cause - A bloody incident where British Army soldiers killed five civilian men and injured six others. The crowd was unarmed. The British fired without orders
    Effect - This event lead up to what is now know as the Revolutionary War.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    George Washington camps at Valley Forge the winter of 1777-78 to train troops.
    Cause - On December 19, 1777, when Washington's army marched into camp at Valley Forge, tired, cold, and ill-equipped, it was lacking in training essential for consistent success on the battlefield.
    Effect - On June 19, 1778, after a six-month encampment, this same army emerged to pursue and successfully battle Lt. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton's British army at the Battle of Monmouth. New Jersey.
  • Battle Of Kings Mountain

    Battle Of Kings Mountain
    The Battle of Kings Mountain was a truning point in the American Revolution.
    Cause - A battle after the revoutianary war started.The Britsh Army thought they could come to the South & get more troops for fighting the North. However they encountered resistance from many locals.
    Effect -This was the begining of the end of the Britsh power in the sothern United States. The British had made all settlements west of the Blue Ridge null and volid. Making the overmountain men patriots.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    The Mexican American War was fought between the Americans (Texans) and the Mexicans.
    Cause - The Americans were fighting the people of Mexcio over land in Texas. It is is the begining of Texas becoming a free state form Mexcio. When Mexico attacked, America claimed war.
    Effect - A treaty, called the treaty of Gaudalupe Hidlago. ended it.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The Homestead Act was legislation granting land grants at little or no cost to homesteaders.
    Cause - This was a treaty sighned after the Mexcian-American war
    Effect - It lasted to the 1900s. It was a series of laws that gave an applicant ownership of land, typically called a "homestead", at little or no cost.