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The Things They Carried (perspective of Tim O'Brien)

  • Tip Top Lodge/Rainy River

    Tip Top Lodge/Rainy River
    Before the war, I ran away to try and escape to Canada so I would not have to fight in the war. One day when I was staying at the Tip Top Lodge I was in a boat right next to Canada. While I was sitting there I realized I can't run away from my problems. I had to go back home to my family and face the war head-on. "I couldn't endure the mockery, or the disgrace, or the patriotic ridicule. Embarrassment, that's all it was."(O'Brien 57)
  • The Rock I was Hiding Behind When Lavender Was Shot

    The Rock I was Hiding Behind When Lavender Was Shot
    When Lavender was killed was our first taste of the reality of the situation. We had never lost a comrade before that point into the war. Before Lavender's death, we were invincible, just marching through enemy territory with our guns, burning down villages, and winning firefights. Lavender's death really scared us into reality and how fast it can happen. "Like cement, Kiowa whispered in the dark. I swear to God-boom, down. Not a word." (O'Brien 16)
  • Sewage Field

    Sewage Field
    When we were at the sewage field was when we really learned to always be on our guard and pay extra attention to detail. We set up camp next to a village, but when we were attacked by mortars we learned that we had set up camp on a sewage field and when the mortars hit we started sinking and Kiowa sank into the muck and drowned."In the field, though, the causes were immediate. a movement of carelessness or bad judgment or plain stupidity carried consequences that lasted forever." (O'Brien 167)