The Terrific TImeline of John Adams

  • John Adams Was Born!

    John Adams was born on October 30, 1735. He was born in Braintree, Massachutes.
  • Completed College

    John Adams competed his college years in Harvard on June 5, 1755.
  • Marries Abigal Smith

    On October 25, 1764 John Adams married Abigal Smith.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party is the rebellion of the tea tax.
  • Served in the Continental Congress

    John Adams served in the Continental Congress in September, 1774.
  • Period: to

    Comissioner to France

    John Adams was a commissoner to France between 1777 and 1783.
  • Period: to

    Ambassador to Britain

    John Adams was an ambassador to Britain between 1788-1798.
  • Minister To Great Britain

    John Adams was a minister to Great Britain in October 20. 1785.
  • Costitution Signed!

    The Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787. Washington was the leader.
  • VP

    From 1789-1797 Adams was a VP for 2 terms under George Washington.
  • Judicary Act of 1789

    The Judicary Act of 1789 says that the government is split up into 3 parts.
  • Virgina and Kentucky Plan

    The Virginia and Kentucky Plan was made by all the Rebublicans, but personally written by Thomas Jefferson himself. They were aganist the Alien and Sedition Acts.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion is when the Congress taxed the people on whiskey and then they started to burn down houses and tortured the tax colecters.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay;s Treaty Is a treaty between America and Britain and Britain agreed to stay off of American land, but it didn't say anything about impressment or Britain interference.
  • Pickney''s Treaty

    Thomas Pickney's Treaty was with the Spain and America. It said that the U.S. wouldn't make an alliance with Britain and take over Spain.
  • Elected President

    John Adams was elected president in March 4, 1796-1800.
  • Battle of The Fallen TImbers

    Battle of The Fallen TImbers
    The Battle of Falllen Timbers is when the Native Americans wanted all of the Americans to leave their territory.
  • Peace Mission

    John Adams sent out a peace mission to France.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    It was made when America was fighting against France. It made it harder for immigrants to become U.S. citizens.
  • XYZ Affairs

    XYZ Affairs
    The XYZ Affairs is when France thought that the U.S. was working with America because of Jay's Treaty. So they started to capture the American saliors.
  • Adams is the 1st Pres. to Sleep in the White House

    John Adams was the first president to sleep in the White House. Also he was the first offical president to be voted for because George Washington wasn't elected.
  • Letters are Published!

    Between 1809 - 1812 he published a series of letters in the Boston Post defending his record as a president.
  • Abigal Adams Dies

    On October 28, 1818 Abigal Adams, John Adams wife, died and John was devestated.
  • John Adams Died! :(

    John Adams died on July 4, 1826 in Massachutes. Which was the same day they were signing the Declaration of Independance.